hanamaki ~ fanboy behavior

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TW: silght dubcon, hanamaki being a terrible friend

fingering, degradation, exhibitionist, mentions of masturbation, porn

an unintentional sex addict's dream come true

Hanamaki knows it's wrong. He keeps telling himself that but the calling urge underneath his tightening pants is just too strong to resist. Maybe I have a sex addiction? But the thought passes all too quickly as the familiar browser finishes loading.

He had stumbled onto this website on accident (if you count searching up porn an accident). He was just going through a hard time- could you blame him? He just needed a bit of relief. Afterall, it was only natural as a young and healthy man.

He had clicked on the first video that called out to him- not with any ill intentions of course. He just found the image to be just what he wanted - smooth and plump skin, a seductive yet not shameless pose, and of course a skimpy outfit that tied it all together.

At first, it was all innocent. He was just having his fun. He didn't notice much else besides the "main event" but slowly, his eyes started wandering. And sometimes he wishes that he hadn't. But nothing can stop the mind once it starts going.

First, he notices the similar glint of pearl earrings. But they were so small that it would be easily mistaken. He shakes it off. But then, he remembers that you had recently shown him your newly painted nails. You were so excited to show him. He didn't pay too much mind in the moment but now he vividly remembers the star marked on your pointer finger. And what really ties everything all together is when the haze in his head finally clears, white dripping down his fist, and the stream closes with the sound "Bye everyone!"

But now, he couldn't will himself to stop. After every night, he would think, this is the last time. But the statement never came to be true because it wouldn't take long before his fingers subconsciously fingered towards his bookmarked page. It didn't take long either for him to subscribe either. It was only a couple of bucks.

It started off as harmless, but the effects crept up on Hanamaki. He never saw you as more than a friend... well that was until recently. He started having fantasies, at first in his dreams, but then willing during the day. He'd doze off at work, reimagining the way your eyes would roll back as your orgasm overtakes you- wondering if it was all for show or if you were really just that enticing. He even thought about sending you toys as a "fan" but chickened out in the last moments. And when he'd see you, his eyes would drift to where your clothes hid any more from him, comparing it to the vivid images that kept playing in his mind.

And then he started checking your website daily, going down your posted videos whenever you took a night off from streaming. It was like a routine, he'd dig deeper and deeper into your history until one day, something caught his eye. Another person.

Something inside him whispers to avoid it, but he can't, not when the more he scrolls, the frequent appearance of a mystery man continues. He just has to know who was it? What did you let him do to you?

He clicks on the video just out of curiosity. He watches intently. It's rough. But that's no surprise to him now, Sure it was at the beginning, but he knew how you liked things after watching enough of your videos.

He hugs his pillow, refraining from touching himself despite the calling because he had to focus. He centralizes on the areas you two connect- watching this mans dick drill into you as a white creaming ring forms around the base of his cock and eyes intensifying on how your skin dips as his fingers get tighter around your neck.

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