hinata & lev ~ locked in

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the three of you get trapped in a small stall...

threesome, malexfemxmale, oral, grinding, penetration

Summer, the hottest time of the year. Any free time there was, all anyone would want to do is being dunked with a cool bucket of water. Luckily, you weren't the only feeling this way.

Today was not a normal Saturday. Today was a day you were looking forward to for a long while. A long while ago, your friend Hinita introduced you to your other friend Lev who lived all the way down in Tokoyo. The three of you got a long fairly well from the start and 2 years later, you guys were still as tight as ever. It was more like a 3 peas in a pod situation. Conversations were always filled with energy and laughter and you couldn't be more excited for today.

Hinata, being as popular as he is, also invited some of his other close by friends as well as a few classmates that the two of you shared. After all, the more the merrier.

Everyone was in awe at the water park. It didn't take long for everyone to scatter, some to thrill rides and others to more relaxing ones. Many people already had their swim wear on but unfortunately for you, you over slept and barely had time to grab your bathing suit before you left.

"Hey, I'll catch up later. I just need to change," you say quickly to Hinata and Lev before running off to a nearby bathroom.

"Don't take too long!" Hinata shouts, waving to you with a smile. "Let's go Lev!"

"Eh? But you don't have your swim suit on either," Lev points out and both boys look down at his green basketball shorts.

"GAH!" Hinata grumbles, bringing both of his palms to his face.

Lev merely laughs at his reaction, "C'mon, I'll go with you," Lev says. After all, coming from Tokoyo, he didn't want to stray too far from comfort without his friends.

He walks with Hinata who is sulking, making him look even shorter next to the grey haired male.

You're at the sink, washing your hands after changing into your bikini. Your humming along to a random tune when you hear two familiar voices approaching your direction.

"And then Kenma-san says..."

From the reflection in the mirror, two boys, one short and one tall, one with orange hair, and one with silver hair, walk in. They both freeze immediately when they see you and you do the same.

"What are you guys doing in here!? This is the girls changing room!" You scold them. They were lucky enough there weren't any other random women inside or else they would have been in a whole lot of trouble.

"WHAT!?" They both scream at the same time, clearly panicking.

"Hurry and get out!" You harshly whisper, shooing them away.

But before they can move, you all freeze at the sound of feminine laughter ringing. Multiple pairs of footsteps were coming your way and now, they're trapped.

They both release incoherent words of mercy, praying that something would save them. Thinking on your toes, you grab the collar of both of their shirts and quickly drag them into a nearby shower. And as the timer hits zero, you manage to slam and lock the door. You're all breathing heavily with sighs of relief while random voices fill the air with talks of gossip.

You thanked your lucky stars that you guys made it in time without anyone seeing you. Hinata is still trembling from the knees down and Lev has his hand clasped over his mouth. You wonder how long you're going to be locked in there with them until there's a chance for you to escape.

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