kageyama ~ too long pt. 2

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it's the day after and the two of you have some unexplored feelings to sort through

soft male dom, oral, penetration

"Y/N..." Kageyama says suddenly and you look up from the kitchen counter. "Can I ask for a favor?"

"Another favor? Didn't I just do you one last night?" you chuckle, referring to the pretty steamy session that the two of you had the night before. Surprisingly, when the two of you woke up, everything seemed- normal. It was nice to know that your relationship didn't go completely stale and it was also nice to know that it wasn't just an impulsive move or anything of the sort.

His cheeks burn bright red and he avoids eye contact with you. Just thinking about it made him nervous. When he woke up this morning, Kageyama couldn't believe that he really did that, with you nonetheless. However, he certainly wasn't unhappy about it.

"Yes, T-thank you for uh- that." he replies awkwardly.

"What do you need?" you ask, moving on from your teasing.

"I was wondering if you could be out of the apartment around 8 tonight," he asks. Of course you have questions and then he explains about how his whole friend group invited themselves over despite his protests. In spite of that, he wanted to save you the trouble of their harassment and maybe same him the trouble of embarrassment. In the end, you agree to go out in exchange for him doing the dishes after lunch which he now seems all too eager to do. 

He walks beside you as you're busy preparing lunch for the two of you and he hesitantly reaches out. He pats your head endearingly with a slight hint of awkwardness. Nonetheless, the action was sweet and you can see he was definitely putting himself out there. "Thanks, again," he mutters quietly.

He quickly gets a glass of water and puts on his shoes at the front door, about to go on a run. "Oh, and..." he says, catching your attention once more. "You look really pretty today." And without even giving you a chance to respond, he leaves. Now it was your turn to become flustered.


Kageyama takes a deep breath before twisting the knob at the front door. Immediately he is met with a bunch of different greetings and it honestly takes a second or two to absorb it all.

"Hey! Hey! Hey Kageyama!" Bokuto shouts, being the first person to barge his way in with his arm slung around Akaashi's shoulder. "Thank you for having us over," Akaashi says humbly as the two walk by.

"Y-yeah," Kageyama mutters, eyes following a different boy as they all file in one by one.

A few of them bring snacks and the others are already exploring this apartment that none of them knew about until last night.

"This is a pretty good place you got! You should have invited us sooner!" Atsumu says while peering into the living area.

"If you didn't spend all your money buying onigiri, we could probably afford a place like this too, 'Tsumu," his brother remarks which earns a competitive glare from the bleached blonde.

Kenma walks with his hands in his pocket and without a word, plops himself down on the couch which was not unexpected. Kuroo attempts to get him to socialize but Kenma insists on sitting down the entire time.

The apartment is quickly filled and chatter could be heard from every direction. They all seemed very excited to be in a new place.

"Wooowww! Nice place Kageyama!" Hinata shouts happily, peering over the kitchen counter next to Oikawa who was already sitting.

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