hinata & nishinoya ~ sharing is caring

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hinata and nishonoya both have a crush on a certain someone...

threesome, male!uke male reader!male, penetration, oral, handjob

"Eh? What are you doing here Shoyo?" a spiky haired boy asks.

"Y/N-san promised to hang out with me today," the younger boy says in response, flashing a smile brighter than the sun.

"But Y/N was supposed to help me study today."

The two of them stare blankly at each other and despite being such close friends, there's a weird tension in the air. Both sit across the table from one another. Hinata has his legs crossed and his fingers are fiddling in his lap. Nishinoya on the other hand seems more relaxed, leaning up against your bed with his feet planted into the ground.

It's just a regular Saturday and what both boys are saying is completely true. However, you're the one who forgot that you made plans with both of them on the very same day which somehow resulted in this misunderstanding.

"Sorry Shoyo, but Y/N is helping me out today. If I don't learn Japanese Literature by next week, I'm really going to get a scolding from my parents," Nishinoya complains, rubbing his head as if it would push any more information inside his brain.

Hinata frowns and crosses his arms. "That's not fair. I already asked Y/N and he said we'd hang out like last week!"

"But I really gotta pass this class," Nishinoya whines, slamming his head into the wooden table in front of him.

Silence hangs in the air once again as neither boy budges. It was obvious that you weren't going to be able to do both things at the same time so the question was, who were you going to choose?

"Can't you hang out with Y/N some other day?" asks the shorter one.

Hinata looks away and his lips purse while he mutters, "Yeah....but"

"You don't....like him do you?" Nishinoya asks very carefully, his head popping up from the table.

"W-what are you talking about?! Pfft! Of course not! Like Y-Y/N?" Hinata answers almost immediately. He waves his hands furiously in front of his face in denial, blabbering on and on before he finds the awkward timing to calm down. "Why? Do you...?"

"Do I like Y/N? Y-yeah right, you're funny for saying such things out loud. What on earth are you thinking?!" Nishinoya is just as quick to retort. Both seem content with the other's answer and they eye one another slowly.

Suddenly, Nishinoya is the one to break the silence. "You totally like him! Your cheeks are red!"

"Yours are more red than mine!" shouts the other with an accusatory finger.

Both of them bicker with one another till they come to a truce of some sort or at least a standstill in their so called argument.

"So...you like Y/N?" Hinata asks timidly, biting his bottom lip while fiddling with the hem of his tee shirt.

"I mean, I guess," Nishinoya huffs. "And you?" he asks back, peeking back at the orange haired boy.


"So now what?" Nishinoya sighs. After all, they were on the same team and not to mention, close friends. It wasn't like the other could quickly dismiss the other's feelings so abruptly without concern.

"We could split up days we hang out. Um, I take Monday, Wednesday, Friday and you take Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday," Hinata suggests.

Obviously, on paper, this seemed like a cookie cutter solution but even in reality, anyone would know that this was not the brightest i-

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