suna ~ should have been me

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penetration, filming, size kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms

it should have been suna

"S-Suna," you whine, pulling your hips from his menacing finger, only to be met with his hard on pressed against the curve of your bare ass. "I c-can't take it."

He snarls, pushing his hips forwards which forces your clit to meet his fingers again. "Of course you can. Knowing them, I'm sure they're just as mean." It takes him no less than a second for his finger to find your pleading clit, continuing to rub painful circles against your sensitive nub.

You're somehow nude and Suna stands behind you, fully clothed. You don't even remember how you got in this situation- something about yelling, and the twins, and jealousy? But regardless of how it came to be, it didn't change the fact that you were locked in between the wall and Suna's much larger frame that only made you cower more from intimidation.

"Please! Pl-please! I didn't mean to!" you cry, grabbing his wrist with one hand and the other keeping you still against the wall. Without it, your legs would have surely collapsed by now.

With his free hand, he swats you away, forcing you to squirm pathetically while his finger continues to attack your weak spots. "Didn't mean to what? Sleep with the twins or tell me about it?"

Ah, now you remember how you ended up in this situation. You had long been crushing on Suna. At first, you were friends with Atsumu and Osamu and following them to their matches and their practices only led you to meet Suna. He had captivated you the first time you laid eyes on him. He was handsome, mysterious, and indifferent and it drew you in even more.

But Suna didn't seem to reciprocate the same feelings. And in a moment of weakness, you had let yourself go in front of the twins. You'd rather not remember it, but you recall balling your eyes out into your wet fists with one twin on either side, trying to console you. "Forget about him," or "You can do so much better than Rin," they would say, swaying you closer and closer to their laps until you were sprawled out with one twin on their end. Not your finest moment.

But perhaps god had intended it all along. It was funny how 'fate' worked. Because at least now you were in Suna's hold, his body pressed against yours just like you had always dreamed, right? "B-both! Both Suna! I'm so-I'm sorry! Didn't mean to!" You cry out, craning your head back while trying to get a read of whatever expression he wore of his face.

"Didn't mean to?" he mocks. "You just 'accidentally' fell onto their cocks? Yeah, I'm sure that happened," he scoffs sarcastically. There was no doubt he wasn't going to forgive you, not when his face was staring back at you like that.

Your head drops forward, staring blankly at whatever was in front of you but not really seeing anything at all. "Suna," you breath, so softly muttered that he almost misses it.

His free hand clasps your neck, bringing up your gaze ever so gently. Attentively, he's observing the twitch and the change in your face. But the glaze atop of your eyes says it all. He's seen this look 3 other times this night. "Gonna cum again?" he smirks, fingers making their way to grab the entirety of your jaw. "Of course you are."

With the way his fingers are working your pitiful clit, there's no wonder you fall into your fourth orgasm of the night. Your legs tremble underneath yourself, wobbling so much that Suna thinks you might just collapse. Your blood rushes to your head at the euphoria. And without having to put anything inside of you, you're like putty in his hands.

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