ushijima ~ complete satisfaction

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MMA fighter AU, you want to completely satisfy your boyfriend

ushijima!dom, fingering, oral, penetration, squirting, spanking, biting, orgasm denial, cock warming

Your chest rises and falls heavily as you collapse onto his defined chest in front of you. God, you worshiped his body. His long, thick member was more than enough to satisfy you and then some. Your palms are tapping at his chest while he clutches onto you tightly, keeping your shivering body warm. His fingers comb through your sweaty hair in an attempt to sooth your raging heart.

"How are you feeling?" his deep voice rings in your ear.

"Fine, j-just worn out," you stutter, foreheat resting on his shoulder that's coated with a thin sheen of sweat.

"Good, just rest up," he says, patting the top of your head.

"But, what about you?" You push yourself up, bracing yourself on his strong build. Ushijima is still hard, his bulging length still sitting deep inside while your juices that proved your climax pour into his lap.

"Don't worry about me. Take care of yourself first." His voice is stern, and of course he wouldn't let you argue. He never did.

That's the last thing you remember before your vision goes black. The next thing you know, it's already morning. You're dressed in a shirt that's covered with the familiar scent of the man himself. Your legs are wiped clean and even your hair feels freshly washed. You wonder if he struggled to carry you to the tub and to clean between your limp limbs but then you remember just how much strength he had behind those tempting arms.

You and Ushijima met through a mutual friend. At first, you were hesitant of going on a blind date but when you spoke to him for the first were still hesitant. To be honest, Ushijima wasn't the best at first impressions. The dinner table was painfully awkward with you fiddling your fingers under the thick table cloth. He even refused to share a desert with you that night which you later learned was because he didn't enjoy sweets.

You didn't quite feel 'the spark' everyone usually fawns over however, you did give him credit for being a complete gentleman. He opened every door for you (even the cab door), took the check the end of the night, and even offered you his coat when he the smallest shiver run through you. Because of that, you decided to give him a second chance.

The more and more you two went out, you began to understand his personality a little more. The first time awkwardness soon turned to feelings of endearment. Ushijima wasn't the best at expressing his feelings in words, but it was the subtle actions that made your heart warm. And before you knew it, you warmed up to him.

People often questioned your relationship, but you didn't seem to mind. Even you weren't that intrigued at first but now, you wouldn't want to live any other way.

Ushijima wasn't in the bed by the time you woke up. When you can finally push through the stinging back in your lower back, you manage to awkwardly shuffle your way out into the kitchen where you see a note stuck to the refrigerator. 'I will be working all day, won't be back till late. Make sure you have enough energy for the day." You wonder what could be keeping your boyfriend at work all day. He never got into the specifics of what he did and all you knew is it kept him physically challenged, that's for sure. He never really spoke on the matter either, never wanting to "bore you with the details."

You smile as you save the note, just like you did with the rest. Inside the fridge was a sandwich that Ushijima always made for you. It didn't taste the best considering the kitchen wasn't where his talents lied, but the thought that he woke up a few minutes early just to cook and prep a meal for you made you smile.

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