Chapter Four

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Monday, August 31st


Coming down from the feeling of euphoria after our passion and lust filled session on the couch, I went into the kitchen to get Jordan and I something to drink. I decided to make us both some lemonade. As I set the glasses down on the kitchen island, Jordan came walking in, still completely naked from only moments ago. I loved that about her, where others would shy away from such an act, especially someone with her amazing condition, she embraced it. She was bold and didn't care what others thought or said about her. I admired that about her.

To me, Jordan was different than most 18-year old's. She didn't act her age. Admittedly, there have been times in our relationship that she has acted more mature than I did. The age difference between us has never been an issue for me, at least not when it comes to her.

Jordan's intellectual capacity knows no bounds and to me that is one of the sexiest things about her. Her constant thirst for knowledge and the conversations that she wields is astounding. It is safe to say that I have never met anyone like her.

Like I said, Jordan isn't your typical 18-year old. When we first met, judging by the way she dressed and the way she expressed herself, I thought she was in college or was at least interning at some mega corporate company. The one major thing about Jordan that I quickly came to notice was that she didn't lie about who she was or is as a person. She told me she was going to be a senior in high school. I was surprised at first, but when I found out she was of age, a sudden feeling of relief ran through me.

The more I was able to get to know her and learn about her, the more I became infatuated with her as a person. The sex between us is just a bonus really. That need for each other's bodies goes deeper than just wanting to rip our clothes off whenever we get a chance. I'm not going to lie and say that that doesn't happen every time were together, because 9 times out of 10 it does. Give us time alone and we're worse than bunnies.

Even though I am in love with the beautiful woman who stands before me, I still can't bring myself to tell her about the one thing in my past that haunts me. It's not that I'm afraid that she'll leave or anything like that. On the contrary, it's the exact opposite. I'm afraid of what she'll do once I tell her. I don't want her to do anything stupid.

The one time I had planned on telling her, which was around the time we first met, an incident occurred on that particular night and seeing what she can do, made me want to take a different approach. I wasn't afraid that she would hurt me or anything as horrendous as that, I just didn't want her to worry about me more than she needed to. And here we are 3 months later standing in my kitchen and I still haven't been able to find the courage to bring it up.

But in my defense as of right now, it's a little difficult to bring it up when you have a sexy naked woman walking into your kitchen. A woman who can do things to my body that I never dreamed possible.

I could feel Jordan's hands wrap around my waist as I poured the lemonade into each glass. Her member stiffened against my lower back. I felt the arousal between my thighs begin to awaken again, the familiar ache of desire quickened. When I finished my task, I handed Jordan her glass, she drank it in one drink then set the glass off to the side, while I took my time. Jordan lightly pressed herself against me. Sensing her frustration, I put my glass to the side, next to hers. And as soon as I did, Jordan turned me around to face her and effortlessly picked me up and put me on the island. Grabbing both of my hips to steady me.

She centered the tip of her erection against my core and then began gliding her tip against my hardening bud causing me to moan with anticipation. She then pressed her shaft against my folds and continued to rub her elongated member back and forth between my thighs, teasing me by bringing the tip of her cock to my entrance, but not putting it inside of me, by now, my every nerve ending was now on high alert, seeking release. But I knew better, I knew she wasn't going to give me what I wanted just yet.

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