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Three Years Later


The sight before my eyes has become a common occurrence, one that I cannot and definitely will not complain about. Leaning my shoulder on the bathroom doorframe smiling, watching the events unfold standing only in a black sports bra and boxers.

Sydney gripping the sheets while Kennedy's head is between her thighs. Moans of desire filling the room, my member stiffening as my gaze is caught on the beautiful sight before me. I've caught them in many compromising positions over the past three years. Each time it fills me with love and desire.

There's no room for jealousy in our unconventional relationship, especially when it isn't needed. Not saying we don't have our arguments and our own issues, because we do. But we do our best to listen and talk when those times arise. The most important thing we share with each other is love and trust. Sounds simple I know, what can I say, it works for us.

Another moan snaps me from my thoughts. Sydney's body is writhing underneath Kennedy. While the beautiful Norse goddess laps up Sydney's delicious juices. Having enough of being a voyeur, I cross the room and take a brief moment to gaze at the sight of Kennedy's plump round ass sticking out, beckoning me.

Licking my lips, I caress one cheek and then the other. And with a resounding smack, I spank my Norse goddess, who groans into Sydney's sex. I grab onto Kennedy's hips and pull her back a little, then line myself up behind her.

I push myself into her halfway, another moan fills the room from the blue eyed woman. Retracting myself an inch, then push myself back in. Repeating this a few more times, I'm unable to take the torture I've created for myself and bury myself to the hilt.

Kennedy's tight walls feeling exquisite as they wrapped around my arduous shaft. My thrusts becoming harder and faster the more her walls encompassed me. Seeking that magical release, I push into her harder, the sound of our flesh colliding along with our combined moans fill the room.

I try to stifle the groans I'm making, but it's difficult once I start to feel her walls constricting around me. I know she's on the verge of her release. I thrust with fervor into her, sweat dripping from my body as I continue the onslaught on her heated core.

Sydney's screams of ecstasy fill the room which causes the blond to tighten on me like a vise, a moment later Kennedy follows suit. Not a moment too soon, I feel the thick white gooey liquid explode deep into Kennedy's heated core, filling her completely.

Kennedy falls on top of Sydney, both women a panting mess on the bed, trying to gather their strength and come down from our quick fuck session. I slowly extract myself from Kennedy's entrance, missing the warmth of her as soon as my deflating member feels the coldness of the room.

There's no time for reprieve as a knock sounds on the door. Kennedy lays next to Sydney on the bed, both women look at each other then to me as I'm the only one standing. "Your turn." They say simultaneously. I can't help but to smile.

In the three years since we've been together, the two sultry vixens know just how to bend me to their will. At least when it comes to our domestic duties. They know once our bedroom door closes, everything changes.

I pull up my boxers and quickly get dressed, putting on a red muscle tank top and white basketball shorts. Before I open the door, I check the state of my girls. Who are slow to get up. Opening the door just enough for me to slip out, I am met with my eldest son Taiyo.

Taiyo is practically the spitting image of Sydney. Same emerald eyes, short dark brown, the same heart shaped face and caramel complexion. "Daddy, where's mommy?" Taiyo says in his cute little voice.

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