Chapter Fifteen

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Monday March 15th


I woke up before my alarm went off. Going about my morning in my usual routine. Only this time with a slightly different mindset. One thing I knew for sure, I needed to talk to my mom and dad. I knew this type of information would be vital, we wouldn't want something like what happened with my mom to happen again. And from the sounds of it, I knew it was just going to be a matter of time before their plan was set into motion.

Time was definitely of the essence.

Which is why I spent most of my weekend thinking about what I overheard. To say that it didn't turn my world upside down would be putting it mildly. I couldn't believe my stroke of luck. It wasn't much to go on, but for all I knew, it could be the start of the break we needed.

Last night I texted my parents letting them know I had something important to discuss with them. I would have went to them straight away, but they had a business meeting in Miami this weekend. So I figured I wouldn't bother them with it until I was able to make some sense of it.

I stepped out of my room sporting my blue 'Savage' sweater with the dripping white letters and skinny splice denim jeans. Along with my wheat colored mid-sized Timberland boots.

When I entered the kitchen I was all too happy to see my parents sitting at the table. Dressed in their usual business attire. Mom was in a white Chanel jacket with black trimmed edges, a white blouse underneath and a black mid length skirt. Along with black leather Chanel sling backs. Dad with in a dressed in a navy blue Armani suit, light blue dress shirt and black leather oxfords. Both of them looking like the picture of sophistication.

Both of them got up and came up to me, wrapping me up in a group hug. It had felt like ages since I actually got a chance to see my parents. With them being so busy with work and coming home late, it seemed like our schedules were a bit more hectic than usual.

Not realizing until now just how much I actually missed them. I took a moment to breathe in their aroma. My mom's lavender scent taking me back to when she would read to me before bed, while my dad's woodland cologne reminding me of all the late night sparring sessions. And now that I say that out loud, it sounds like something out of the Brady Bunch or a Leave it to Beaver episode. How picturesque.

My mom was the first one to speak. "I missed you so much. It feels like years since the last time I seen you." She said as she squeezed me tighter.

"I know. I missed you too mom." I replied feeling comforted in their presence.

A fake cough could be heard. Both mom and I turned to my dad. "Excuse me, what am I? Chopped liver?" Me and mom just smiled at his feigned hurt expression.

I let go of my mom and pulled my dad in for a hug, "Of course I missed you too pops." I said into his shoulder.

The three of us took our usual seats at the table where an assortment of breakfast foods were placed in the middle. Scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, waffles, toast, bagels, fresh fruits, and orange juice. Mom definitely went all out for breakfast this morning. "So, how has everything been here at home?" Mom asked before taking a bite of her bagel.

"It's been okay." I say feeling anxious. I knew what I was about to tell them could possibly go horribly wrong, I poured myself a glass of orange juice as a small distraction.

"Just okay?" My dad asks with a raised eyebrow.

I took a drink of my orange juice. "All things considered, yes. Just okay." I say as I put the glass down.

"Well that sounds rather bleak." Dad commented with a smirk and tinge of sarcasm.

"Jordan honey, what's been going on?" My mom asked, all forms of humor had vacated as both of my parents were staring at me with concerned expressions. "From the sounds of your message, whatever's going on sounded pretty urgent." My mom continued.

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