Chapter Eleven

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Wednesday, November 18th


I left Sydney's room in a hurry wanting to catch Kennedy before she left. I needed to talk to her about what just happened. I didn't want her to get the wrong idea or jump to conclusions about what she just witnessed. I just hope she understands, but I mainly hope that she's willing to listen.

I ran down the hall and out of the school, stopping at the front entrance searching for Kennedy. My eyes darting to every vehicle looking for her car. I wouldn't necessarily say I was panicked, I just knew Kennedy well enough to know that she would be more hurt than anything. Mostly because I hadn't told her about Sydney.

Maybe I should feel bad about not telling her when things first started in New York, and to be honest I really don't have a viable excuse aside from the fact that I wanted to keep things private between me and Sydney. Not that I was ashamed of us being together, I just wanted to keep my love life to myself until we knew for sure where our relationship was headed.

I finally seen her on the other side of the parking lot. I sprinted in her direction, "Kennedy!" I yelled, she didn't turn around even though I knew she heard me. "Kennedy! Will you just stop so I can explain?" She didn't answer as I neared her. Fuck. She's super pissed.

Grabbing her shoulder, I spun her around so she could face me. As she looked up to me, I could see the hurt in her eyes. "What?!" She asked irritated.

"Let me explain." I said pleadingly, while attempting to give her my puppy dog expression. I hoped it would work, it usually did when it came to Kennedy.

"Fine. Go ahead. Explain." She said as crossed her arms over her chest, a sure fire way of her telling me that I had better make this good.

"Do you mind if we go somewhere else and talk?" I knew requesting this would probably be pushing it, but I didn't think that being in the middle of the school parking lot would be a good place to discuss my love life. Even if it was practically deserted. "Please?" I nudged just a little bit further.

Kennedy gave me a look of disappointment. "Ugh – Fine." She exasperatingly put her hands at her sides in surrender. I was thankful for my small victory, and I told her as much. We decided that we would meet at my place since her family has company over for the upcoming holiday.

It didn't take me long to get home, I pulled into the driveway fifteen minutes later. Immediately going up to my room and throwing my bag next to my desk, then went downstairs to wait for Kennedy to arrive. I scrolled through my phone, looking at old Snapchat photos then checked my Instagram. Finding nothing too earth shattering to fill the void. So, I put my phone in my pocket.

As I was about to get up and make myself a snack, the doorbell rang. Casually strolling to the door, I opened it to find an annoyed Kennedy with her right hand placed on her hip, "let's get this over with, I have a party to attend." I moved out of the way and motioned for her to come in.

Kennedy went into the living room and sat down on the sofa. I on the other hand began pacing back and forth in front of the tv, trying to figure out the best place to start.

Suddenly stopping in my tracks, I turned to face a still annoyed Kennedy watching my every move. I looked into her eyes, her intense gaze showing no hint of backing down. "Before I begin, I just want to say that I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or suggest in any way that I don't trust you." I stated, sincerity dripping from every word. I did feel bad for not telling her from the beginning. "I can honestly say I don't know why I didn't tell you –" I knew this admission was the catalyst to what lie ahead. "I guess, a part of me just wanted to keep Sydney and I a secret because I wanted something for myself for a while. Another part of me thought because of the age difference certain people would judge us and I didn't want to put Sydney through that." It was a partial truth.

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