Chapter Twelve

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Authors Note: Greetings and salutations everyone! Just a quick note before you get started. It's imperative to inform you of the nature of this chapter. There will be brief mention of physical abuse and stalking. It is imperative for you to know that this author does not condone nor approve of this behavior in any and all facets. If you are sensitive to these subjects/situations then a warning and continuation will be provided for you. If you or anyone you know is struggling with these sensitive issues, please contact The National Domestic Violence Hotline @ 1 (800) 799-7233 or you can go to their official website

As always, thank you for taking an interest in my novel. Don't forget to vote or comment if you're enjoying this story. Thank you for your support!


Wednesday, November 18th


This can't be happening. Not right now. Absolute terror struck me like a bolt of lightning. Hearing the name Drake Webster sent shivers down my spine. I had hoped to never hear that name ever again. I could have sworn I had been extra cautious when I took care of everything before the move. I looked over every possible angle with the utmost diligence. I was positive that every possible security measure had been looked over and executed. How wrong could I have been?

After the initial shock wore off, somehow I managed to come to my senses enough to pick up my phone from the floor. I could hear the Detective calling my name as I reached for my phone. "Ms. Vaughn! Hello! Are you still there?" I heard the detective call out as I brought the phone to my ear.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm still here." I replied, my hands shaking from fear.

"Is everything alright, Ms. Vaughn?" I could hear the concern in her voice.

"Yes. I just dropped my phone. I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I replied trying to mask the trembling in my voice, most likely failing in my attempt.

"So, does the name Drake Webster sound familiar?" She asked again. Hearing his name caused an uneasiness in the pit of my stomach.

"Uhm. Yes." I said, attempting to clear the frog in my throat.

"Well, in that case would you be willing to come down to the station to answer a couple of questions?" The detective asked, her voice sounding every bit the detective.

Part of me didn't want to have to go through the grueling process of telling the police about past events. The other part of me knew I didn't have any other choice. The quicker I informed them about it, the better my chances. "Yes. I can." I replied after weighing my options.

"Great. When is a convenient time for you?" She asked a little bit too enthusiastically.

"I can be there in about a half hour." I didn't want to waste any time. As I said, the quicker the better.

"Perfect. We'll be expecting you then." The detective not sounding the least bit surprised.

"Ok. See you then. Bye Detective." I pressed the end call button.

It took a moment to move from where I was standing. Trying in vain to get a handle on the fear that was coursing through me. Taking a couple of deep breaths, I was finally able to calm down enough to move. I hastily packed my things and rushed out of the building. I had to get to the police station as fast as I could. I could only hope that whatever information I gave the detective would help to find him.

Walking through the school parking lot made me more nervous and paranoid than I had felt in a long time. I couldn't help but to look over my shoulder with every step I made to my car. On my way to the police station it was difficult for me to wrap my mind around everything that had transpired. It was hard to fathom that for the first three and a half weeks into my new teaching position, Drake had been walking the halls of the school.

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