Chapter Nine

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Sunday, September 13th

1:31 p.m.

Me and Vinceta arrived at the hotel's front entrance, Michael quickly walked around to open up the door to the matte black Rolls-Royce Phantom. Vinnie was the first of us to get out, as soon as I stepped out, I noticed curious onlookers admiring the Vegas ostentatious vehicle. Brushing that aside, Vinnie and I went straight up to the Penthouse Suite.

Stepping off the elevator, two bodyguards were standing on either side of the door guarding the entrance. They both looked in our direction and one of them knocked as we approached. Oscar opened the door and let us in without saying a word.

I immediately took notice of my dad and Angelo sitting in the living room area, my dad was hunched over looking at papers that were in disarray on the coffee table. While Angelo was standing by the window, overlooking the expansive metropolis. "Dad, we have a name." I said loud enough as we urgently made our way to them. Both men turned their heads expeditiously in our direction.

"Does the name, Franco Berarducci, ring any bells?" And just like that, as soon as I said the name, the look on both of their faces, went from concentration to instant worry. Then I seen a flash of anger in the depths of my fathers eyes. Further solidifying what my thoughts from when I first arrived in the city were. I just didn't know what it meant.

Angelo and my dad shared a look, as if they both knew that this situation just got a lot more serious. "You know who you have to call, don't you?" Angelo asked my dad.

"Yeah. I was just hoping I would never have to call him again." My dad replied, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Yeah, I know." Just then Angelo walked over to my dad and put his hand his shoulder. "Well, just know, my debt isn't repaid until your wife is home safe. Anything you need." Angelo patted him on the back and went back to his previous position.

"I'll make the call." And with that, my dad went into his room and closed the door.

Tuesday, September 15th

8:10 a.m.

Our plane touched down a little less than an hour ago in Los Angeles. We were able to check into the Waldorf Astoria's Presidential Suite. I wasn't able to rest on the plane like I wanted to, my anxiety was having a field day the closer we got to our destination. My thoughts played tug of war with each other. One minute I would be thinking about my mom, hoping and praying that we would find her so we could bring her home, then the next minute I would be thinking about Sydney.

I had a lot to make up for once we got back, even if I had to grovel, I would do whatever it took to ask for her forgiveness. But then there was that other part of me that felt like I didn't deserve it after what I had done. I still felt guilty as I took a good long look at myself in the bathroom mirror.

I could make out the slight redness in my eyes, the look of exhaustion displayed in my features. I turned the faucet on and splashed my face with water. I straightened out my grey dress shirt, tucking it in the waistband of my tailored bootlegged blue jeans. Even those were in minimal disarray, I pulled the bottom of my pants over my all black Timberlands.

Truth be told, I would do it again in a heartbeat, especially when it comes to the people I love. I had expected nightmares to come that night, from the things I had read and watched. In fact, I would welcome them. But so far, I haven't had any. This thought furthered itself into the depths into which plagued my psyche, what did this really say about the type of person I was? Or who I thought I was? What will happen to me once all is said and done? Do my recent actions make me a bad person? How would Sydney react if I told her? Did this make me unlovable in Sydneys eyes? If I told her, would she think of me differently?

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