Chapter Nineteen

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"Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponents fate."

                              -Sun Tzu-


Knowledge is a very powerful thing, knowing when and how to use it is another. If there's one thing I've come to understand in my young life and the experiences I have acquired; it's that arrogance will ultimately be a persons downfall.

I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my face as I stared down my enemy. A smile in which caught him off guard, as I seeing a flash of incertitude in his eyes. I noticed Kennedy inch her way towards Drake, while Sydney stood her ground, and I kept my attention on Sydney's stalker.

"You know, I really have to hand it you Drake." I said, still soaking in the information I attained. But now it was my turn while doing my best to remain calm, holding back the urge to rip this piece of shit to shreds. "I have to admit, the photographs and the note, a really nice touch." I remarked, with a few mocking light claps to my palm. "Truthfully, it had me going there for a bit. Then hearing from you and Kennedy on becoming allies, did a real number to my psyche I admit. Kudos to you for that by the way.  The person I trusted most in this world, I mean up until I met Sydney of course. But here's the thing, I have a little secret of my own."

I looked to Sydney, who nodded her head, encouraging me to continue. While Drake and Kennedy glanced at each other perplexed. "The thing is you got comfortable watching from afar. Standing in the shadows, every so often making yourself known as if you were relevant. While at the same time thinking you were smarter, thinking you had power. It's funny how a man such as yourself would be arrogant enough to think that. When in reality, you're nothing but a coward." The words hitting him straight at his fragile ego, which made the look in his eyes brim with hostility, a slight scowl formed, and his fists clenched at his sides. 

"Are you familiar with Sun Tzus book, The Art of War?" I continued to look at him, the hostility evermore present as I continued, "Doesn't matter. In the book there's a quote, 'If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles'. Meaning in your case; somewhere along the way you forgot the simplest detail." A look of confusion crossed his face. "You and Sydney used to date and once you royally fucked that up, and started stalking her, ultimately scaring the one person you supposedly love. Which isn't very gentlemanly or even considered an act of true love not by anyone's standards. One of the most important things you forgot is, within the year or so you and Sydney were together she got to know you.

The things that made you happy, the things that made you upset, how you grew up into the so called man you've become. Not only did she get to know you as a person, but she also got to know you as a predator. While you were busy tracking her every move, leaving her on edge for the past four years, without really even realizing it she got to know how you stalked your prey. Which wherein lies your arrogance. Your biggest and most fatal flaw is underestimating her. Then underestimating me." I could tell by the like on both Drake and Kennedy's expression as they both shared a look of bewilderment, neither of them had taken into account this simple but important factor.

"I admit, up until the night of the photos I didn't have the slightest clue what to do. I knew going to the police was going to prove fruitless. There really wasn't much we could do on that front. After the initial panic wore off that night, Sydney and I had a long talk. As painful as it was for her to tell me, she explained in as much detail as she could remember from how you met up until that night. As she was nearing the end I had a thought. Sydney was right, we had to break up. Or at least make it seem like we did. And the only way to make it believable was for me to fall into old habits, not my idea by the way."

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