Chapter Twenty Two

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Sunday May 30th


My thoughts were everywhere as I stared at the small white band I was holding. I was currently standing in the bathroom, in a daze staring at the pink strip. Letting the meaning of it all sink in. A big part of me wanted to run around and jump in excitement, but then there was the other part that felt guilty for doing this to Jordan.

A recent high school graduate, who will now have to worry about being a parent instead of worrying about college. To say I was feeling a little apprehensive about telling her would be putting it mildly. Yes, just tell her. She deserves to know what's going on. I'll just wait for the right time. No. I can't risk it, what's a few days of waiting, two weeks tops.

I mean we barely finished resolving our Drake issue. No need to add more stress.

One thing I know I needed for sure was to talk to someone. Keira's been away on assignment, and she won't be back for at least two weeks. That's when I heard her walk into the room, yelling something to someone down the hall.

Gathering as much courage as I could, I stepped out of the bathroom, seeing her standing by the vanity, I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into the bathroom, making sure to lock it. "What the hell Syd?" My gorgeous blue eyed lover asked surprised as I turned to face her. Kennedy had an adorable expression on her face.

My previous thoughts almost vanished as I felt myself getting wet just from gazing into the ocean of her eyes. The natural light from the bathroom window casting a magical ray around her. I bit my bottom lip taking in the white halter top and light blue mini skirt with light blue three inch Valentina heels she was wearing. Making it difficult for my thoughts not to drift to other things.

I dragged her in here for a reason after all. Calming my libido, I knew there was no way I could bring myself to say it. "Baby, what's wrong?" Kennedy asked concerned. The worry in my eyes most likely giving me away.

"My love, I don't know any other way to say this. It's just –" My words failing me. Or was it my courage? I looked down, unsure of how to continue.

Kennedy reached for my hand, taking it in hers. "You can tell me anything. You know I won't judge you." She said as she pulled me in a little closer.

"I know babe –" I smiled, putting my hand to caress her cheek. A sudden flash of the first time I had made the gesture. It seems like a lifetime ago since our very first time. Everything about that day and night, every touch we shared, made me fall in love with her too. As unbelievable as it seems, I never expected to fall for her the way I did just as I'm sure she didn't expect it either. But there's just something about her once I had the chance to get to know her, completely changed the way I feel about her.

That one night changed everything. Ever since then the three of us have tried to sneak away every chance we got.

I mentally shake the memory away. I needed to focus. We haven't even been in here that long and I'm already frustrated that I can't form the right words. "Oh God, if it's this hard to tell you, I can only imagine what it's going to be like when I tell Jordan." I say pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Don't think. Just say it." Kennedy encouraged. Her ocean eyes beaming with confidence.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out.

Kennedy's jaw dropped. Seemingly unable to take in what I just said. "What?! Holy Shit! Oh my God! That's wonderful news." She exclaimed, pulling me into a massive hug. I giggled at her excitement. She's so adorable. "Okay. So we have to set up doctor visits, we need to make room for a nursery, is it too early to buy baby clothes? How far along are you?" Kennedy rambles while making a mental checklist. Reminding me that this is one of the reason why I love her.

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