Chapter Eighteen

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Monday     May 3rd


For the past few days I haven't been able to focus. Something's been on my mind lately and I wasn't sure if I should voice it to Kennedy because I knew once I told her she would freak out and then I wouldn't hear the end of it. But then again, I didn't want to pass up the chance to see the look on the beautiful blonds face. It would probably be more entertaining than what I've been thinking about.

The blond bombshell will definitely be overzealous when I suggest I have a graduation party. I know her and Cole will be beside themselves planning the whole thing. Allowing me some guilt free me time as I followed through with my sparring matches with Mathias at the Thai gym I frequented.

I sat through my morning classes with meager interest as I continued to contemplate whether or not this would be a good idea. Surprisingly enough, I came to the conclusion that I would only have one high school graduation and why not go out with a bang. Especially after of the bullshit I had to go through to get here. I feel I deserve to have a little fun.

By the end of my fourth period class I was excited to let my friends know of my development. Once I spoke to Kennedy about my plans, she was excited by the prospect of ending our high school career with us being the advocates for this years teenage tradition. After her ear shattering squeal, I was able to convince her to help me talk with my parents. Just as I predicted, Kennedy and Cole were in full party planning mode during lunch.

By the time school was over for the day, I was elated by the time I made it home. The late afternoon sun was shining bright, not a cloud in the sky. I thought it would be a perfect day to read outside by the pool, lounging on one of our outdoor daybeds with the retractable canopy.

I grabbed my book on the bedside table and went downstairs. I texted Kennedy to let her know to just let herself in when she arrived. As if she wouldn't already do that. Halfway through the fifth chapter, I realized I'd probably been reading the same paragraph over and over. I didn't even know how long I had been reading it, the words seemed foreign all of a sudden. I put the book down and laid back letting my thoughts run amok.

I awoke to a warm body lying next to me and an arm laying across my stomach. Turning over to see the person next to me, with an ear to ear smile and blue eyes staring back at me. My first thought was, she's such a weirdo. I couldn't stop my returning smile.

"So, are you ready to get this shit started?" Kennedy's mouth curved up into an amused smile.

"Yeah. I am the one with the bright idea. I kinda have to be." My voice coming out more dubious than I intended. Finding the canopy rather interesting.

"Well, come on. Let's do this then." How Kennedy can be so perky is beyond me. At least I can count on her to lighten the mood once my parents get home.

Kennedy stood up and pulled me up with her. I followed her into the kitchen, sitting down at the island. I called my parents in order to find out approximately when they would be home. I could sense a moment of skepticism on my mothers behalf, moms usually know when their kids are up to something. My dad however was completely oblivious or at least I'd like to think so.

By the end of the call they said they'd be home around seven thirty, which gave me plenty of enough time to cook dinner. It was nothing special just some homemade fried chicken, scalloped potatoes, fresh green beans, as well as some homemade biscuits. All of this thanks to Kennedy's grandma Merilyn. Had it not been for her tutelage, I wouldn't know how to fry an egg or even make toast.

Just as me and Kennedy were finishing up setting the table, my parents walked through the door. "Hey kiddo, what smells so good?" My dad asked as he and my mom casually walked into the kitchen. Both of them dressed in grey business suits, neither of them wearing their sports coats.

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