Chapter Twenty

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Saturday   May 29th


Detective Lancaster's stern expression wasn't willing to give anything away. I suppose if I were in her shoes I wouldn't show my cards just yet either. I watched as she thought over everything that I had just revealed. She didn't seem the least bit shocked with some of things I was saying. At this point, I didn't know if it was a good or bad thing.

The detective sat back in her chair as she continued to stare at me. Sizing me up no doubt. Trying to find the tells in my posture or the words of each inflictions I had rendered. "That's quite a story. I'm not sure it would hold up in court though." She finally said after a long moments pause.

I couldn't help the smile that splayed across my face. Another scare tactic I could only assume. I wasn't going to buy it. Like I said in the beginning, I'm not a meek eighteen year old high school student. I will not bend to amateur law enforcement tactics. "I'm not sure the court will even have a case in order for me to stand trial."

"And what makes you so sure?" She inquired with a knowing smile of her own.

"Because I have this." I said as I held up the flash drive. "Plus, I have plenty of witnesses to attest to my story. Your empty threats are about as real as that fake folder in the middle of the table." I said with a slight chuckle. "Come on detective, you really didn't think you could pull one over on me did you? I'm not some meek stupid high school kid. You and I both know I was perfectly within my right to defend myself. Drake did come into my home and stab me with a fucking knife." I stated, feeling a little more irritated by her condescending tone.

The look on the detectives face was priceless as I called her out on her fake threats. I had just about enough of the way she was looking at me. I leaned forward in my chair, and lowered my voice, "he had plenty enough time and opportunities to get up and walk away. He not only threatened me, but he threatened Sydney Vaughn as well, which is the only time I attacked him first but that was only because he threatened Sydney. The other two times he came at me, I just happened to be the one to be left standing in the end."

"Well, when you're right you're right. I can't argue there." She replied in a nonchalant manner.

I slid the flash drive across the table, catching it with her left hand. "Just look at the flash drive." I said with a glance at her hand. "All of the incriminating evidence against Drake Webster is on there." Lancaster gripped the object in her hand as if her life depended on it.

"Alright, if you say so." She remarked as she stood up. "This may take a while." She casually waved the flash drive in the air. The lock to the re-enforced door buzzed.

"Take your time." I replied before I heard the heavy click of the door. I laid my head down on the table.

And take a while they did. Detective Lancaster came back some time later and said that with all of the incriminating evidence, along with the surveillance videos, I was free to go. Everything was done in self-defense.

As I walked into the lobby of the police station, I seen my parents both sitting on a bench talking amongst themselves. My mom was the first to notice me, a second later my dad took notice. I smiled at both of them. A look of relief crossed both of their expressions.

I turned my full attention to the beautiful woman in her skintight jeans, teal blouse, and white strapped sandals. Her long silky hair cascading down her back, the sunlight from the doors creating a magnificent glow, making her appear as a true Egyptian goddess. I couldn't help but to smile at the wonderful sight before me.

Sydney pacing the entire lobby room floor, a nervous look in her posture as she gracefully walked back and forth. She stopped in her tracks when my mother said something to her that I couldn't quite make out.

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