Chapter Sixteen

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Friday March 26th


I threw the textbook on the bedside table and groaned, relieved to finally get that subject out of the way. For the time being at least. After three hours of non-stop studying my head was starting to hurt. But I knew I had to push through at least one more subject tonight if I was going to be prepared for the following week. Finals were fast approaching, and I wanted to make sure I passed all of my classes.

I rolled over on my back to take a well deserved five minute break. I knew studying was going to be stressful, but I didn't think it would be this stressful. I'm usually confident when it comes to class assignments and tests, but this is one that mattered the most for my high school career.

As if school wasn't enough, my personal life somewhat improved, at least with my friends and my parents. I was happy that part of my life seemed to be getting back to normal, so I couldn't complain. But the bigger question remained was what to do with a certain emerald eyed beauty who Im sure you know the name of by now. Yes, her. Sydney.

We still haven't spoken a single word to each other, unless it had to do with class or assignments but those instances were few and far between. Even then, we both just kept to ourselves. Sharing short glances every now and again.

Suffice to say, my dating life has been shit. Or lack thereof. I'm no longer prone to making out with random girls anymore. After my little talk with Marnie at her party, I couldn't bring myself to continue to use other girls as a distraction. It wasn't fair to them, especially since all I ever did was think about Sydney the entire time.

The guilt of being an asshole weighed me down for about a week. So much so I even apologized to Lauren for leading her on. I confessed that I have feelings for someone else. Although I think she's a wonderful and caring person, her and I ultimately wouldn't work. She was a little upset at first but then the next day she said she realized I was probably right. Glad that part ended smoothly.

In the middle of my rambling thoughts I heard a soft knock at my door, and before I could answer the door was gently pushed open. Revealing a gorgeous looking Kennedy standing in the doorway seeming unsure if she should come in or not. I patted the bed and she made her way over to sit next to me.

In the few moments it takes for her to cross the room, I couldn't help but to notice her in skintight jeans, a pale pink V-neck blouse with the power to turn a wandering eye to gaze at her ample breasts. Her black high heeled pumps making a soft clicking sound on the hardwood floor. In the soft glow of the lamplight I realized just how beautiful she truly is.

Shaking my mind of such thoughts as she sat next to me on the bed. The room was silent as the both of us seemingly stared at nothing in particular. Both of us lost in our own thoughts. I can't even remember the last time Kennedy was in my room its been so long. Seeing the look of worry and sadness on her face made me sit up next to her.

I brushed a strand of her silky blond her back so I could get a better look at my beautiful best friend. It pained me to see her look so sad and not her normal jovial self. "What's the matter KD?" My voice laced with concern.

She didn't say anything for a few minutes, she just continued to stare at the floor. I could only assume she was trying to gather her thoughts or courage to tell me what was on her mind. She opened her mouth like she was going to say something, but the words didn't come out. I had a distinct feeling this was going to take some encouragement on my part.

"Whatever's going on, you know you can tell me right?" I encouraged. Getting off the bed and kneeling in front of her. My attempt to look up into the ocean blue of her eyes so she would know I was here for her, she chose to divert making eye contact.

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