Fast Foward 2

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One year later.

Keeping up with my life is not like keeping up with the Kardashian. My life was boring and nothing much really happen. I watch tv, eat, and get fatter.

Me and Liam is still dating. He is so sweet. He is probably the best boyfriend a Lady can have but... It just don't feel right. When he held my hand I find it too small.
When we kissed his lips didn't feel right on mine. When he touched me it don't feel like it's suppose to. I kept trying to let it flow but I wasn't feeling him as much as I wanted to. I wanted to quit thinking about my relationship with you know who.

Speaking of James, He and Mary been really hitting it off. They hung out everyday. Mary has been more open with us. She do this this laugh that sound like a sweet melody in the wind. She is perfect in everyway. James seem happier with Mary and I have been trying to do the same thing as he have. Move on. I am glad to have Liam but... I miss James A lot. James belong to Mary now so I may as well stop thinking about him.

Me and James has been trying to get the relationship we had before we dated. It was hard but we had gotten close to it. There are time where I had to push him away because we was about to get to close. Other then the awkward moments and arguments we are back to normal. Almost.

The rest of the crew is trying to get us back together. I felt bad for them because we are never ever ever getting back. They are so set on us getting together too. We tried talking to them but it made them work even harder. It went as far as them locking us in the janitor closet. It was very uncomfortable. Now that I think about it how did they get a key? I think they think that we are just going though a "CSP" When I ask Tracy what it was she said 'Couples Separation Phase'. I don't even know what it is. The talk isn't working so it's best for me to ignore them.

Alex and Lisa graduated and they are going to attend NC state. I think I went there for a school field trip. I was so proud of them. They live on campus because they live so far away. I visit them every so often but they seem very annoyed that they can't see each other as much.

All the college visits made me decide to go to unc Charlotte. I am kind of nervous thinking about the future. The future is closer then we think so we may as well prepare. I couldn't help how weird it feels getting ready for college it felt like just yesterday I was getting ready for preschool.

Candy told me how Brett was moving down here for the rest of his senior year. I don't believe her though. I think she is still trying get me and James together. Using Brett wasn't a great idea either. James tried to act like it didn't bother him but you could tell it did.

I introduced my father to my dad. It wasn't the best meeting but it was something. It was short and my dad ignored him after I said he was my boyfriend. I could tell that daddy didn't really like him. When I asked why he confessed that he had some hope that we'd get back together. More guilt.


I know this is super short! I am mad to but I am working on the next chapter and I have a feeling that you will love the next chapter and Hate it at the same time. Be prepared for the Drama! No chapter challenge today sorry.

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