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Picture above is Lisa by the way

Mrs. Linda was about to go after Kelsey but I grabbed Mrs. Linda before she went to go get her. I told her I got it and told her to stay behind. She said she agreed as long as I came back in ten minutes. I ran after her and found her throwing a desk and yelled in anger. I watched for a moment not believing she was getting this mad. I looked and swallowed real hard. She turned and looked at me. I was afraid she was going to strangle me.

"You!!" She came closer pointing at me with her index finger.

"What?" I said backing away slowly.

"You think you special huh? Cause you not! Don't get use to the special treatment cause he ain't going to give it to for long." I looked at her messy hair and couldn't see why she was so obsessed about that guy. It made her look desperate.

"What do you mean?" She laughed kind of weirdly. It scared me a bit more cause her ball up her fist was gone.

"Lisa coming back." She pushed passed me and started to head towards the bathroom. I followed her to the bathroom and she started straightening herself up.

"Who's Lisa?" She combed her hair and started redoing her make up.

"You will see. He is going to leave you hanging." She laughed once again. Maybe she belong in a mental institution.

"I guess we will see cause he is my friend and he won't leave me." I flipped my hair and walked back to class. He is not going to leave me. She is just over reacting. I walked back in.

"How is she? What happened?" Mrs. Linda asked concerned. She remained sitting at her desk with her legs crossed.

"She said she's having a very hard time in her personal life. She well be her in a brief moment." I walk to my seat next to James and Candy as always and wonder if I should trust in James or take Kelsey warning.

"Why you chased after her?" James asked looking at me and I looked in his eyes seeing if I should keep this friendly relationship going or let him go so I don't get hurt again.

"I wanted to know why she was mean to me." l said bitting my bottom lip. I saw Kelsey walk in looking like she been at a spa for three hours. Her skin was glowing. Her lips was plump and red. Her thin curvy body. Her long curly hair. Her long eyelashes thick eyelashes. I can't believe she's a freshman. She looks like a grown woman.

"Just don't walk out Again please... Or ask next time." I heard Mrs. Linda warn Kelsey. Mrs. Linda was always soft voiced. I only known her for one month and she is the nice person I have ever met. Kelsey was rude and nod her head and walk away. I looked back at my partners. I went through the whole day thinking about Lisa. Is she pretty? Is she smart? Is she... skinny? If so did she pick on girls like me? If she comes and what Kelsey say is true will James leave me...?

"Jamie!" I was snapped out of my thoughts. I looked around to see who was calling me. I saw James looking at me worried. "Are you ok?" I don't know am I? I am still hurt from last night. That large piece of glass that I took from my forehead kept coming to mind. I started touching touching my scar that I wrapped before doing my bang.

"Umm... y-yeah I think yeah." Am I lying? I just want to dream a little that I was as perfect as I looked. Jamie don't let a little pain break you. Jamie you been through worst then this! Be strong.

"No you're not." I looked back at James who saw my crappy work of wrapping my scar. He went to Mrs. Linda and asked if we can be excused. He grabbed me and walked me to the girls bathroom. He gently pushed me into the wall. He moved my being and removed the paper covering my scar.

"I am so cl-" I was trying to play it off but he interrupt me.

"Mom or dad?" He said grabbing a paper towel and drowning it with water.


"I know no one can hurt themselves like this. Was it your mom or dad?" What the chicken broth?! How the world can he just... I can't even...finish this question.

"Mom." I confessed.

"Dad for me." He lift up his shirt and I saw a long diagonal scar that went to his right shoulder to his left butt cheek. There was more but they was smaller. I covered my mouth in shock.

"I thought your dad was the preacher!" I said thinking about it. The man that everyone look up to? The man that was kind to everyone. Did this to a young boy? He turned to me.

"Don't tell no one please." He said unzipping his pant. My heart started racing oh my gosh what's happening?

"I won't..." He pulled his pants down. On his thighs he had marks everywhere on it. I went and hugged him. I started to cry. My friend was getting hurt too. After I stopped crying He pulled up his pants. We went to class and pretended like what happen didn't happened.

'We ain't having the club meeting today after school' Is the text I got from James when Mrs. Linda start explaining.

'Ok. Can I come over to your house?' I wanted to protect him the best way I could. I wanted him to protect me from my mom.

'I would love that ❤️' I looked at him and smiled at him. He smiled back and winked.

I rushed the time to speed up so I can get out of school. Today was as slow as molasses!! When the bell for dismissal rung I rushed out with James hand hugging mine. We walked to his house and we talked about our parents. His situation was similar to mine. His father hurts him and his mom don't know because his father say if James tell anyone that he will kill his mom.

"He makes me feel like a worthless piece of nail on the wall." He said scrunching his face from the sun.

"I don't know how you can feel worthless. You have a lot of friends and girls fighting over you. I have only you and Candy. I never had any one. You guys are literally my first friends." I stated thinking about my elementary and middle school years. It was was like watching a horror movie. The name calling, The spit balls, the pushing, the tripping, and humiliation. I can't face it anymore. I looked at James who looked at his front door disgusted. I looked and spot a pretty Blond girl. She had on shades skinny jeans a white sweater and white heels. She was like Kelsey twin. When we was at the house beside his we heard her scream out of no where. She ran and hugged James.

"Hi Lisa!" He said excitedly. This is the famous Lisa that Kelsey talks about.

"Jam! I missed you!!" She said. She took off her glasses and begun to kiss on the cheek multiple times. I did not feel comfortable with her on him. I'm just a friend so I can't just slap her like I did in my daydream. We talked inside in the dining room but I felt completely ignored. I felt like an unwanted third wheel. The other two wheels are bullet proof so what's the point of me being there. after a few minutes Dura came in happily running towards Lisa. Oh so she can be nice to other people.

"Lisa I finally completed my avatar collection from third grade!!" He lifted her whole body and ran up the stairs with her in his arms laughing and junk. I was like the best friend on the side of a unbreakable couple. Dura sat down in the seat with a smile on her face.

"Dura I know why you don't like me." I said with my head hanging low and my bang covering my eyesight.

"Why?" She said like she will correct me if I was wrong.

"Because I'm not pretty and skinny... like Lisa... but I'm use to it you know." I felt my eyes getting blurry and didn't want to cry in front of her. Everyone in my life was right. Fat girls are useless.

"Um... that's" I didn't want to hear her say it was true so I cut her sentence short.

"I have to go. Tell James I have a project or what ever." I jumped up out of my chair and ran out the house. Was I overreacting? Yes. Do I care? No. Tomorrow James probably won't talk to me because Lisa is coming to high school with us. I will be alone again. I thought we was getting closer to him. He's just like Brett, Nice until someone better come along. When I reacted the house, I ran upstairs and begun doing my homework. I couldn't get my mind off of James and Lisa. They look great together. Fat girls shouldn't destroy that.

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