Don't Fall for him

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I don't know why my sight was blurry but it mad me fall all over Alex. I would hit my head thinking I was tired. I need another one of them drinks.

"Are you drunk?" He said holding onto me after I have fell on for the tenth time.

"I don't think soooo...Why?" I said like I was happy. I felt like I was going to throw up. I felt nauseated.

"You smell like alcohol and you acting all woozy." I didn't even know if I were. All I know is I wanted to seem fun to James but I guess I need to be a few sizes smaller to get him to DisneyLand.

"I got this drink from my friend. I don't know what was in it." I confessed. he unlocked a black Honda Cord.

"That is not safe! He could have drugged you and did something bad to you." He open the door for me and let me in. Then he closed the door behind me. I laughed at his statement.

"What's so funny?" He said looking at me confused. He put the key in the ignition and started the car.

"No matter how hormonal a male may be they will never find me attractive." I kept on laughing but it slowly started getting devoured by ugly sounded sobs I didn't want anyone to hear. I had hid behind my hands because I didn't want anyone to see me cry.

"Yes you are! It hurts my feeling that you don't think your attractive. If you not attractive I'm as ugly as Donkey poo!" He said. Even though it was dark in the car I could see he was as red as a red pepper. I could hear his hands get tighter around the rubber steering wheel. I don't know how he could say that he was GORGEOUS. I want to use a better word but I don't have a great vocabulary with the drink in my system.

"Well I'm so ugly I never had a boyfriend." I said trying to prove him wrong.

"I'm so ugly I got rejected 69 times. 47 was by the same girl." He said trying to up one me. I know I am uglier then him.

"I'm so ugly that I lost my friends cause they was embarrassed by me." I said bringing my saddening past in the conversation in a joking matter. I just didn't feel like I was sad being it up this time.

"I'm so ugly that people use to use me as a trash can." He said turning to the curve. He didn't really seem as nervous as he was when he said he was ugly.

"I'm so ugly that my mom hates me and she beats me for fun." I don't know how that was relevant to being ugly but it felt great to get that our of my chest.

"I'm so ugly that my parents didn't want me so they drop me off and they never came to get me back." He said exhaling like he been holding his breath before saying it. It was like the world fell off his shoulder.

"What?" I said quietly not sure he heard me. I couldn't believe my ears. I wanted to take out what he said cover my ears.

"That felt soo good to get that of my chest! No body knows I am adopted but my adopted parents." He said jumping in the seat. I felt bad. How could he feel like that.

"Pull o-" Before I could warn him everything I ate that day was on his dash board. I still didn't feel like enough was out. He pulled into a gas station and I helped him clean. I felt bad that I puked all in his car. I could not stop apologizing. I knew he got annoyed with me.

"It's ok Jamie." He said rubbing my back. He helped me clean even though I caused all this mess.

"Why was you near the party?" I threw away the old paper towel and got a new one. We got it off eventually.

"I was staying with an old friend who lived in front of party." I shook my head understandingly. I was overjoyed when we got every thing cleaned. We got in and we started to go. I didn't have that rush I had before but I felt better. "Why was you there?" Crap! He asked.

"James took me there." I said looking at my environment. I liked to observe the world.

"Was he the friend who made you drink that drink?"

"Yeah" I said looking away from the window trying not to think about it much.

"Who is this James?" He asked checking both ways of the street before driving again.

"From church." I said picking up lint from my jeans. It aggravated me when it was on it.

"The one with the brother? Jeans? The one in our youth?" He said shockingly. It was like he never shown he had an evil bone in his body. What I had seen when he was kissing Lisa. Smh why he have to do that?

"Yeah." I said taking out the bun on top of my head that wasn't so elegant.

"Dang so that's why Lisa end up like that..." He said to himself. Lisa? What happen to Lisa?

"What do you mean?" I spoke up. Was it a story that is safe for me.

"It's really complicated. Do you know Lisa?" I wanted to know. The story will help me so much.

"Yeah She told me to stay away from him but I told her he was mine." I said thinking about how stupid I was so freaking special.

"What ever you do don't fall for him. He may seem like a nice cool good guy but he is not really." Which part is he talking about. The nice, The cool, or the good part? Why must he warn me and not tell me why? It is so freaking hard to ignore. What happen before I came?

"Will you tell me tomorrow?" He parked into my driveway with no head lights. I felt bad already cause my father is probably worried. I walked in quietly trying not to wake anyone. I was stopped when someone turn on the lights.


What happened to them back in the day? What should have happened? ALSSOOO Alex is so sweet. He even have a sad past. Who want to dump James for Alex? Should Alex be a choice? So y'all remember Alex? Not from Target but from church. Should Jamie take Alex Advice? I thought I wrote Advil..... Ok I should go now.

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