Daddy's Promise

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"Can you hear me?" A deep voice enchanted my ears making me fill with curiosity. I liked this deep voice. I can imagine the person Adam apple just dancing on his neck. I wonder who it is. Maybe it is time for me to open my eyes and see. I opened my left eye slowly to see James hovering over me.

"Hi..." I said feeling a smile slowly from on my face. He returned the smile.

"We are free now." He proclaimed. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it as tight as my body would let me.

"I see." I feel his eyes travel down to my lips and I know what he wanted. I bit my lips and thought how much I wanted to kiss him.

"I'm sorry." His look grew into worry. Maybe he thought I was still hurt.

"For what?" I tried siting up so I can get a bit more comfortable. My chair bed thingy wasn't doing me any good so I had lay down.

"I was a jerk towards you. I slept with other girls and I disrespected you." He got on his knees and looked me in the eyes. His face went dead. I turned my body towards him and concentrated on his nice grey eyes.

"Mmhmm." I said pushing him to go on with what he was saying.

"I thought at that time it was a good idea to do what I did. Then I saw how hurt you was when you saw me and that girl... I realize that you wasn't over me either. I want to make you think I was over you because I thought you was over me. Jamie I am really sorry." He had tears rolling down his face and I tried not to cry also but it was hard not to. "Jamie please give me one more chance. I promise not to hurt any more." This time he got on both of his knees and put both of his hands together like he was getting ready for prayer. He looked me in the eyes. "Please..." He desperately spoken. The heart wants what it wants. My heart want James. No matter how hard I try to forget him... I just fall deeper. Maybe it's a sign that we was meant to be.

"What do you mean by one more chance?" You know I just want to classify what he meant. I am sick and tired of being confused.

"I mean I want to be your man... Again..." He bit his lips and gave me a nervous smile. It took me a while to completely think about it but I felt like it was blankly obvious what I was going to say.

"This is the last time. Next time you hurt me I will definitely cut you out my life." He jumped up in joy and started dancing. It was like he won the lottery. Am I that good? Before he could finish the doctor came in with a clipboard.

"Jamie... Um we have some good news and some bad news." The doctor looked at me seriously and the smile that I previously had, had fallen off of my face.

"What is it doc?" I knew that the words came out but I was to afraid to say it. What could have happened.

"The bad news is that umm... While your father was trying to save you he got shot. He got 20% chance of surviving this surgery we are going to give him. He punctured his lungs while trying to retrieve you. The good news is that you are free to go home." His gaze fell to the floor knowing that his 'good news' wasn't going to make me feel any better.

"I want to see him now!" I had mistakenly raised my shaky voice. I was shaking like a nervous chihuahua. I was breathing harder and my heart raced.

"You can see him in two days. He needs to rest for now." The doctor had wrinkles got heavier. I could tell he was getting annoyed by the tears that fell from my face.

"Doctor, He's the only person I have. If I don't see him now I will not eat or sleep because I love him and I will think it's my last day with him. He needs to know-" The doctor let out a strange noise people make when they are really irritated. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. He rubbed his forehead like he was getting rid of his headache that way.

"Ok Fine! Fine! You can see him!" He roared ferociously. I am so glad I have annoyed him. He took off all the wires that was attached to me and took me to a room that seem like it was a mile away. He opened the door and I saw my father speaking to a nurse very weakly.

"I need to see my daughter. I don't want her to worry." I never seen him so weak before. I never thought I would ever see him in this type of condition.

"Da-dad-Dad...dy." I said sounding like a child just learning the word. It was hard to hold myself back but the doctor was holding my left shoulder.

"Jamie... Why are you so far...?" He extended his hand towards me and I wanted to grab it but I am restricted.

"The doctor won't let me. He say you are in a poor predicament." I said removing my tears from my face so I could seem more controlled but more kept appearing without my constraint. I don't think I am strong enough to hold in so much.

"Jamie I need a hug... from you." Suddenly old money by Lana Del Ray started to play in my head. I'll come to you, I'll come to you, I'll come. I stepped forward to go towards him but the doctor stopped me before I could run to him.

"Doctor! He is my father! Let me hug him!" I yelled unexpectedly. My lip quivered as I spoken. He moved his hand which is a sign he is letting me to him. I slowly went to him hoping this was all a dream and that I was dreaming it all. That I would wake up to my strong energetic father. When I reached him I felt my arms gently slid around him. It wasn't the usual hug that I would give him. This hug felt like the last one.

"Jamie. When I come home please make me something special. I love when you cook for me." Is he really planning the future? My father grabbed my arms and looked at me waiting for a response.

"But dad-" He covered my mouth knowing what I was going to say. 20% chance of survival.

"Promise?" He said with a stern voice. I end up nodding.

"I promise." He smiled when I said that but I felt like I was lying. I don't like how it felt but he was feeling satisfied when he heard it. He laid down with a smile on his face.

"That's enough. He got an early day tomorrow. It's time for you to go home." I stood up and decided to listen to the doctor. I ran out quickly so I couldn't get a second glance. I met James in the Lobby and he looked at me sadly.

"Take me home please." He grabbed my hand and led me to his car. It was a long silent ten minute ride. I looked out side and felt James stealing glances at me. He parked in my driveway and we just looked each other. He pulled me in for a kiss but I turn my head away. I could do it. I left the car knowing his eyes never left me. I turned seeing him looking at me. I opened the door and walked inside. When I closed the door I regret not kissing him. I locked the door and flew upstairs. I opened my blinds to watch him leave. I couldn't stand to see him go so I turned away. I saw his red lights from his car on my wall and my heart beat while he slammed his car door. I closed my blinds and fell unto my bed. Ugh. I laid on my bed thinking about my father. Two o'clock there was nothing on my mind but my father. Will he really be ok?

There was a knock at my door and I walked down the stairs sleepily and opened the door and see James looking at me with bags under his eyes.

"I couldn't sleep because I knew you wasn't ok." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and his face was hot pink. How could he stay up worried about me? I grabbed him and gave him a hug. His arms twirled around me and I clinched him like my favorite purse and cried in his arms.

"Thank you..." I said in between sobs. He closed the door and got a blanket and took me to the front room and cuddled with me on the couch. He held me as I cried and I feel asleep on his heart.



I knew nothing about surgery or injury or anything medical. So I am sorry if it do not make sense. Do you think the father will be fine? Do you feel like Jamie made the right choose going out with James again? Do you think James will hurt Jamie again?



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