Fast Forward

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Two years later...

I know what you are thinking. Why in the world would you fast forward two years! Yeah a lot happened in two years too. My life isn't really that interesting in then two years. I will catch you up to them two years though.

First thing first Me and James are still together. Next month is our two year anniversary. We are kind of in the middle of an argument. He think it's time that we told our friends about our relationship and I think it's too soon. He was frustrated and kept yelling it been two years! I don't know why I'm even worried for. They are great people.

We got a new addition to our group. His name is Tony. He is Jihanno boyfriend. Guess who don't like him. If you guess Tracy you is correct. She's not the only one. I don't like him. Candy don't like him. Lisa don't like him. Alex don't like him. James hates him! With a passion! I never seen him dislike someone before. If your crew don't like the person you dating that's a problem. I don't like his stuck up attitude. He act so spoiled. The others have a more reasons. We could write a whole book on why we don't like him.

Lisa and Alex got together. They got together a year ago. Another reason for James to argue about how we need to tell. Well it was really romantic. She was in her room crying. She had a little bit to drink and she drunk text Alex. She was about to overdose but Alex came just in time to get her. He told her that he will make her happy. It made me cry that she almost killed herself. She never told me why either. At that moment he asked her out and you know what happens.

Everyone got there license except Tony. He feels like he don't need to drive. I didn't get my license yet. It's coming through mail. I have to wait till after my birthday which is tomorrow. I think my dad is going to get me a car but he keep saying he won't. I feel it in my bones!!

Candy is moving soon. It's so sad. Her dad wants to mover her closer to her aunt's house in California. I didn't want her to go. The worst part about it is she is leaving after my birthday party. My sweet 16 going to end with a great friend leaving me. She said her cousin was hot and that he was single and that he would like me. James got mad (jealous as always) and I had to smack some sense into him.

Let's see what else happened? ... Oh yeah I got a job at BennyFoodFun. I am a waitress. My job it to serve the customer on the week day and sing on the weekends. I have to sing what ever people want me to sing. The Manger there is super cool to. His name is Liam Jones. He's super tall and he goes to Williams. Our school biggest competitor. They beat us in almost everything. The only thing they didn't beat us in is losing the most games and competition. Yeah... we are that bad. Liam is on the basketball team. He is number o4 on the team. He brought me a shirt that had the number 04 and his last name on it. He's a really cool guy. He wanted me to wear it to one of his games and I agreed to it. I decided not to tell James because he's easily jealous. If I said he's just a friend he'd want me to quit. Any male look my way James is ready to fight them.

I am in the 11th grade and Alex and Lisa is about to graduate. I been really focus. I wanted to get A honor roll this time. I am tired of A B honor roll. When I told everybody about it they kept calling me a goody goody. My dad blamed it on my sight. He brought me two pairs of glasses that made everything clear.


I know this is super short but there is going to be a lot happening in the next chapter. If you forgot what happened in the beginning you may need to re read the saved before high school and bye chapter(s). Comment who is your favorite character and why? Also Comment your name and one thing about you and I will add you to the story.

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