Second Day of School Part 1

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I woke up by a loud knock at the door. I ran downstairs almost falling down some of them. I though it was my mom cause she been coming over everyday since dad told her to stay with the guy she love so much. He told me he was tired of being nice. I open the door roughly.

"What do you want?!" I said irritated. When I actually open my eyes it was James.

"Um I'm sorry to wake you up so early..." He looked down messing with the bottom of his shirt. His hair was messed up and he was in his pajamas.

"I'm sorry I thought you was someone else." He rubbed the back of his head. He wasn't shy yesterday. I thought his shyness was cute.

"It's all good. I forgot to give you um... I forgot to give you this." He handed me my schedule and stood there with his hand on mine and a paper under our thumb. I swallowed hard and laugh.

"Thanks But it's like 6:30 in the morning." I said seeing the sun dying to rise.

"This is usually the time I get ready for school." I smacked my hand on my forehead and grunted.

"I completely forgot about school. Thanks for reminding me I will see you later." I slammed the door with the schedule in my hand and run upstairs. I began to speed up to get ready. Thanks to my clumsiness I fell down. Actually I fell up the stairs but who cares about grammar.

After I finish taking a shower and dried myself off, I put on my bra. I tried to pick some clothes and wish I never like shopping. After many minutes of debating on what to wear I finally chose to wear tight pants with a flowy shirt. The shirt said Kiss with pink lips and and really bright teeth. I brushed my teeth and fix my hair. It is hard to do knotty hair. I just put it in a bun because I hate my hair. I got the signed syllabus from my father room and stuffed it in my bag. I got my phone off the charger and put it in my pocket. I ran downstairs and put on some pink Jordan's. Me and James walked out at the same time and he waved at me almost falling on his mom. I wave back and lock the door behind me.

"Hi are you walking to school? Want a ride?" He yelled. One thing I notice about him is he can be the most clumsy person in the world.

"Sure!" I tried to yell back but I don't think he heard. He began to run over looking both ways this time.

"What you say?" He leaned over and I couldn't help but smell him. He smell like lavender.

"Sure." I said opening my eyes that I didn't know was close. I looked up at him and saw his smiling. I followed him to his mom car. He open the door so I can get in. He closed the door and hopped in the front. We all put on our seat belt and his mom begun to drive.

"Jamie you want to go to BennyFoodFu n?" I looked at the back of his head at confusion. All I saw was his hand on his face.

"You haven't went with nobody to that place since-" He began to scream before she could finish the sentence. I held on to my chest and breath heavily.

"Ma!! Watch the road!" He scowled his mom. I looked and saw she almost hit a clown.

"I forgot I was driving." She laughed at her absent-mindedness. I held on the the handle. He couldn't warn me she was a crazy driver.

"I would like to go with you." I said with my head on my hand. I was hiding my thumb. I learned on brain games it was a sigh of insecurity. I held at my thumb and looked up. He was dancing. He coughed and straighten up.

"Cool." He said. Before I knew it we was on school grounds. After Ms.Debra parked I quickly got out. He grabbed my hand and began walking to class.

I learned that our English teacher name was Mr. Mangos. James like to call him Bob when the other students are not around. He collected our syllabus and gave us a book called Night. I already read it a few times. It is my mom favorite book. She always read it. I thought if I memorized it she would acknowledge me but we all know how that came out as. A big failure. He told us to pick a partner. A pretty blond girl with boobs so big they could be fake. She had a small waist. She had pretty blue eyes that I have always wanted. She was wearing A crop top with high waisted shorts.

"Hi wanna work together." She flipped her hair. She knew she was looking good without anyone having to tell her.

"Sorry umm... Kendra but I promised Jamie I would help her." I grabbed his arm and pull him closer to me. I looked at the aggravated Kendra who was about to say something.

"My name is Kelsey." She said in an annoying way. I tried not to get a headache when she yelled.

"It's ok if you want to work with her. I can work with one of them." I said pointing to the people on the other side of the room that stood at the door shyly cause they had no friends. He grabbed my arm and came close to my ear.

"I would rather run into a wall full force then to work with her. you are actually doing me a favor." He gently let go of my arm and smiled widely at me showing his perfect white teeth. Kendra or whatever her name was left and worked with a guy name Larry. He was the only one left. You can tell she didn't like him. He was to close to her. When she moved he moved. After we got instructions The bell rung and we went to second block.


Part two next read on!!

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