Ending this Part one

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"What are you doing here?" James asked angrily. I swallowed my spit and thought about the stupid things I done.

"To support my girlfriend." He said putting his arm around me. I avoided eye contact and I could feel James looking at me.

"Jamie did the thing we did earlier mean nothing to you?" He asked. I moved Jamie arm away and faced him properly. I should have done this a bit earlier but I didn't.

"Jamie. I cheated on you. I'm sorry. I just couldn't stop myself. I did a bad thing especially since I know how you felt about him. I can't leave James. I don't know how or why but he is the only guy I ever wanted. I hope you will forgive me for hurting you." He let the gift he brought fall on the ground and I felt my lips quiver. He was a great guy and I hurt him. He turned around and walked away. I looked at James with a sad expression and looked down.

"What's wrong?" He asked grabbing my hands.

"He had Netflix." I was actually serious but James laughed like crazy. I couldn't help but join him.

"I'm sorry. I got an account if you want to use it." He held my hand and walked me down the hall. A few girls ran up to us and asked us a bunch of questions.

"Your performance was great! How you make the blood look realist? It that your boyfriend? Can you relate to the story? Your boyfriend have nice calfs. How is your relationship with your real mom? Do your boyfriend got a six pack? What is the background of your character?" I tried my best to answer the question and before I could Keith rushed us out. I gave everyone my kik name so I can answer them when ever I have the time. I took a few pictures and left with the crew. When we go to the hotel Keith felt obligated to talk to us before we go. After he finally finished his speech and let James enter my room.

"We need to talk." I sat on the bed and let him sit beside me.

"About...?" He said trying to make me continue.

"Us. I feel like you give me hope just to knock me down. James I just want to know if your going to leave me. Will you leave me again James? I don't want to get hurt... again." I looked him in the eyes trying to see if he will tell the truth or will he do another hit and run. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.

"Jamie. I made sooo many mistakes. I know you know. I want to correct them. Please. I promise to show you the best treatment. I want to fill you with joy." My smile widen with his. He got me. Being with him was like being in a paradise that comes whenever it wants.

"How about a deal?" I said.

"What kind of deal?" He asked confused. He also look kind of concerned.

"Like if you ever leave me I get to cut your-" I was cut off by him before I could finish the sentence. He look like he was on a state of panic.

"I think I should keep that part." He put his legs together. He looked at me like I was crazy and I just looked at him and laughed.

"Boy I was going to say hair." I rolled my eyes and continued to laugh.

"It we get married you have to have three of my children." I didn't know if I should laugh or cry or kiss him. So I just kissed him.

"Deal babe." I said smiling.

"While we here we should go somewhere entertaining." He lead me to a place beside the hotel. It was a like a casino for kids and teens. It had slot machines and game that you could win coins. If you collect enough coins you can get a prize. It had a bucket that collect small coins that enter after you play the game. The bucket has a number on it keeping count of your number. The place was like Chuck E. Cheese but mildly different. It was called Haller B. Fun Time. James and I had a competition on every game. It was like we had to beat each other. He got more coins the end of the game and I felt some type of way. I really wanted the huge Teddy bear. I could only afford the key chain. I put my bucket on the counter and dug out my wallet.

"I will like to buy the teddy bear." I said smiling at the guy behind the counter.

"Oh so you got 5,000 coins?"

"I got 50 bucks." I smiled harder.

"I'm sorry but I can't give it to you." I Was half way there. I look around trying to see if they had something similar to the big Teddy Bear. Nothing was close to it.

"If we put ours together we will have enough to get the big Teddy bear and two sunglasses." James said wrapping his arms around me with his bucket of coins. I smiled at him and gave the bucket to the guy asking for the huge Teddy bear and two sunglasses. We walked out the place with our sunglasses and my huge bear in my arms.

"Thanks babe." He walked me to my room where my two roommates pretended to care about my whereabouts. I quickly shooed them away so me and James could tell our goodbyes.

"You welcome. I have to go. Before I go I want to thank you for taking me back. I know you been hurt be me many times but this time is really different. My mind is set on you and only you. I love you and I never will and never have stopped." His hands remain in his pockets and he walked away.

"How can you say something so beautiful and just walk away. That was a perfect moment to kiss me you dummy." I laughed and he walked back. He grabbed my head trying to get the moment back. After looking at each other shyly we shared a kiss. It was like our very first kiss. I felt like all the bad things I witness never happened. I stepped into the house and closed the door softly. I twirled to my bed and cuddled my bear that James helped me get. I wonder if he's thinking about me.

James P.O.V

I can't stop thinking about Jamie. I promise to never hurt her again. I will never break it. I love her. I love Jamie.

--------------------------------------One More Chapter --------------------------------------
Chat with me on hangouts if you got it. I am kind of lame so I don't know what's in. Anywhoo my account name is Plus.Size.Gurrl@gmail.com

There is also one more chapter left in the book so stay tuned for that. I want to thank y'all so much for reading this far. I'm sorry it have to end.

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