And Life Goes On

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My life was great. My father was happy with Lovely by his side. With Lovely by his side I had less to worry about. Unlike Gloria, she didn't try to compete for my father love. She fit into the house wonderfully. She cooked and clean and made my father happy. That's all I need to be happy. She and my father got married seven months after we got her. They had a beautiful wedding and I was one of the bridesmaid.

If you guys are curios about the people that kidnapped me and James it's a long story. At court I had to tell the whole story. Lisa had to spend time in Juvenal detention until she is 18 then she would have to stay in prison until she was 23. Brett, Kelsey, and Mary was put into a psychotic ward. It turns out they was the ones that thought of beating us. They did it to vent out anger. After Lisa get out I will have to fill out a restraint order. Court orders.

Tracy and Jihanno ran off somewhere in Utah after graduation. I try to stay in contact with them as much as possible. I know Tracy got pregnant three months after they moved down there. They got married before the child came out and they are super happy together.

After James father got arrested the church separated and found another church. I make sure to call as many of them as much as I can. I go to there church event and try to enjoy myself as much as possible.

Alex ended things with Lisa after he heard what she did. He said he knew she was trouble when he fell for her. He seemed heart broken so Candy helped him through it. They stayed in North Carolina for a while and try so hard not to get together. Candy say she don't want to be in a relationship. Alex say he trying to forget about Lisa. I call everyday to see where their friendship will lead to.

I went to visit Gloria at jail. The first thing she did was apologize. It was weird seeing her apologize. I forgave of course. She told me how cruel they treated her in Jail and told me she understand the pain I experienced when she did the thing she did to me. Well you reap what you sow. She never seemed so sympathetic like this. So I couldn't help but feel bad that this was happening to her. I try to visit her every month. Me and Gloria get along fairly well. I felt like I was getting the motherly love that I never had when I was younger. I found out that Gloria was forced to marry my father. She use to like Mike that Guy that Lovely had to be with. Their father was terrible.

I have been stalking James on all his social media. I know I said I would never ever get back together with him again. It turn out he moved to Ohio where he finished his senior year. He and a pretty blond girl that goes by the name of Sugar. She was really pretty. I think they dating because he keeps calling her bae. Now I know he left me for another girl. It's ok because I planned for this. I will not cry. I will live strong. Lets talk about this Sugar girl while I can.

Sugar was born and raised in Ohio because her mother and father fell in love there. Found this information on facebook. Her parents are happily married and she had an older brother who treat her like a queen. They get along super well. Found this information on Twitter. On her Instagram I found out that her and James are "the perfect match" or whatever. She needs to know that I was his first "perfect match." No one can ever take that spot. He told me. After obsessing a little bit I packed my stuff for FSU. Florida State university.

"Hi Jay." Lovely called out to me while I taped my box labeled shoes. I smiled at her and fell on the bed. I have been packing for a while and I am honestly sad I have to go.

"Hi Lovely."

"Your daddy would have been so proud of you." I remembered how my father died on his birthday last week. When I told him to make a wish he told me he didn't need to. He was happy the way he was. His last words was 'I am at peace'. I am glad he didn't have nothing that would hinder him before he died. He was a great man while he was alive. I am glad that he was happy to.

"I know. I really miss him." I tried not to cry but everywhere I go I see his smiling face. I lifted up my box. Lovely followed me down the stairs and into my cars. I threw my box in the car that my father let me have before he died. A 2015 black Corolla.

"Me and your papa loved you with all our heart. I am glad I got to have you as a daughter before the other come out." She laughed. She rubbed her 5 month pregnant belly. I laid my hands on her tummy and tried to be gentle.

"I can't wait to meet the little girl. I left the keys with Philip. Call me or him if there is any problems." I kissed her stomach and thought of Philip. Philip is my father friend and Lisa's father. I got in the car and waved goodbye to lovely. In the rear view mirror I watched her walk into the house.

The ride was long and boring. I sung some songs from the radio station. When I got to the school I went to administration and found my room number. Number 746. I remembered that was the last three digits of James phone number.

"Hello welcome to FSU! My name is Stacy. I am sorry to say that I am super busy but I got a perfect student who will show where your classes are. He have been at this school for a whole semester and he have the same classes as you." The lady had a huge smile on her face like she would get punished if she show another face. She was a very pretty girl. She had dark brown hair. Her eyes matched her hair color. She had on sweatpants with the school name on it. It had the year she was destined to graduate.

"Ok." I said a bit awkward about her presence.

"Did you meet your roommate?"

"No. She should be on her way."

"Good." She went on her way. I decided to just lay on the bed and wait. Just before I closed my eyes I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door I saw Sugar.

"Hi I'm Sugar! I'm your new roommate." She held out her hand for me to shake. I know who you are.

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