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"Another great shift today peeps! See y'all Monday!"

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"Another great shift today peeps! See y'all Monday!"

Maddy arrived home and was greeted by Tex. She fed her cat and took off her scrubs and jumped in the shower. After she got out, she heard her phone going off, when she picked it up she saw that Tim was calling her. 'Hi!'

'Hey gorgeous! What're you doing?'

'Just got out of the shower, about to get ready to watch some TV.' Maddy laughed.

'Wanna come over for the night? I'll pick you up?'

'Hmm.. Tex is needy tonight. You okay with coming here?' She felt weird saying that, but it's true. She needs to spend time with Tex too.

'Of course!' He didn't even hesitate. He liked Maddy, and he liked Tex, which alone meant the world to her.

'Are you sure?'

'Of course! I do have a little present for Tex anyway!'

'Oh boy! She'll love you even more now!' Maddy laughed.

'That's the goal! When do you want me?' Tim asked. There was a sense of giddiness to his voice now.

'Hmm.. it's 7:45 now. How's...  8:30?'

'Perfect! See ya soon!'
"Ohh, catnip! Tex.. look girl!" Maddy yelled as Tex came galloping over to her. Maddy threw the catnip-filled fish on the ground and Tex pounced on it like her prey.

"I think she likes it!" Maddy laughed. "And now she really likes you!"

"How's her mom feel?" Tim smirked at her.

"Up for debate," Maddy winked. Tim's eyes narrowed, but he couldn't help but smirk when he looked at her.


"I'm kidding!" Maddy laughed. "Of course I like you!" She hadn't said those words out loud until now. Maddy hadn't dated since before grad school, as everyone knew, so telling someone she liked them was huge for her, especially at this early stage.

"You do?" Tim replied plainly. Maddy started to panic as she couldn't read his face to tell what he was thinking.

"Ohh.. uhm.. I mean.." her thoughts were interrupted by a kiss.

"I like you too."
"Maddy! Thank god you're here!" Judd laughed when she walked into the station.

"Oh Lord.. what the hell for?" She laughed back.

"Probie!" Judd said.

"Well.. what about him?!" Maddy shrugged.

"MARJAN!" He yelled.

"Jesus.." Maddy laughed.

Marjan walked up looking annoying. "What Judd?"

"What're you helping probie with?"

"Oh! His fireman's exam. If he passes.. he won't be a probie anymore."

"Well that's awesome!"

"Yeah.. but," Marjan got close to Maddy. "He's dyslexic.."

"Oh man. Really? That's balls!"

"Aren't you?" Judd asked. "TK mentioned something like that when he was telling us about you before you got here.."

"Well, I actually have dyscalculia.. I fuck up numbers. But yes, I can still help him." She laughed. Maddy knew them all well enough already that she knew what Judd wanted. "Even with my numbers issue .. I graduated second in my class in grad school." Maddy winked.

"Ah! Thanks! Just give him tips and stuff.. he had it in school, but it's always good to have someone who gets it. Ya know?" Marjan asked.

"100 percent. No problem y'all!"
"Okay, Mateo. What did you do in school to help with your dyslexia?"

"Just like had someone read questions to me.. or I just re-read stuff over again, and eventually the letters will be in the right order..."

"Okay good! So I think the guys have a great plan for you to help with that," Maddy winked. "But what I want you to do is write some lines for me.."

"Uhm.. I don't know.."

"It'll be okay. I promise! I don't know if the guys told you, but I have dyscalculia— I fuck up numbers and shit, and doing lines of some math problems helped with my anxiety I had over it."

Mateo rubbed the back of his head, "okay Maddy. If you say so."

"I do." She rubbed his arm. "It might not help with your dyslexia so to speak, but it will hopefully lower your anxiety.. cause you'll be more and more accepting of it, and will continue to work on your reading skills. Ya know? I did it, and I graduated second in my class in grad school."

"Okay! What do you want me to write Maddy?"

"I will pass my test," she smiled softly.
"We recorded all of the materials for Probie, so he can listen to it! Think it'll help?" Marjan asked.

"Oh yeah.. I figured that's what you guys were gonna do! That's awesome— y'all are so good to him! Ya big softies!" Maddy winked at the group.
"Maddy! So glad you're here!" Mateo yelled as he ran towards her at the station. She reached out her hands and embraced him in a hug. "What's up?!"

"I passed!"

"What?! Oh my god! That's amazing! Congrats!"

"Thanks Maddy! Your practicing technique helped a bunch too!"

"I'm so glad! Yay!"

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