Gaara X Reader

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(Author-kun: I honestly have zero clue as to why you guys like this book,but it's nice to know people think my trash is beautiful?.. Idk, hopefully Oni-sama doesn't find out about this and if he does, welp, plan another funeral for me.)

TW; Dom Gaara, Sub reader, Oral (male receiving), Anal, Intense cumming.

Gaara POV-

Walking back to my office, I head inside. I had just finished a meeting with the Suna elders. Sitting down, I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

Calling in my secretary, something about her just always made me feel energetic, like I would be tired but the minute I see her, I act completely different.

"You wanted to see me Lord Kazekage?" Y/N said.

She looked so cute today. She had on a cute kimono that really showed off her legs, a simple yet elegant makeup and her hair, god her hair just makes me want to pull on it while I'm fucking her in the ass.

"I need you to do something for me." I replied to her after a few seconds of thinking.

"And that is?" She looked confused.

'how do I tell her I want her to let me fuck her? Eh let's to be straightforward'

"I want to fuck you but I need your consent, so may I fuck you?" I asked huskily.

She titled her head looking confused for a moment then she nodded.

Standing up, I went to the office door, locked it and put a sound barrier up. I then walked towards her and started kissing her roughly. Untying her kimono, I slid it off of her shoulders and it fell on the floor. Taking off my kazekage uniform top, I began backing her into the wall and raising her legs so they were wrapped around my torso.

Unzipping my pants, I instantly slam my cock into her roughly causing her to scream and bite my shoulder hard. Groaning from the pain, I then proceeded to enter and exit her at a inhuman pace. Slowly I fell unconscious and I felt Shukaku taking over.


Looking at Gaara, I noticed his appearance was changing. 

(Author-chan: The picture above is Shukaku as an actual boy)

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(Author-chan: The picture above is Shukaku as an actual boy)

That isn't Gaara, who the fuck has their dick inside of me?!

Feeling Gaara slamming inside of me felt amazing, but then he sped up. He gripped my hips harshly and started biting my nipples to the point they started bleeding. Feeling my painful yet pleasuring orgasm coming, I tilted my head back.

"I-i'm about to cum." I said shakily.

But he had other plans. Letting me fall to the ground on my feet, he pushed me to my knees and throat fucked me. I kept trying to breathe but he didn't care.

(Author-kun: Gaara/Shukaku is taking WAP to a new level. I don't think Y/N wants him to touch that lil' dangly thing that swing in the back of her throat. I'll leave now-)

Feeling my eyes well up with tears, I repeatedly tapped his leg to get him to stop, soon his cum filled my throat and he forced me to swallow. Picking me up, he went towards his desk and bent me over so that my ass was in the air. He rubbed his dick then he slammed into my ass.

Screaming in pain, I began crying hard.

All while this is happening, he just groaned in pleasure and continued. I'm pretty sure my asshole is bleeding a lot right now. Feeling his dick twitch inside of me, he came again and pulled out after a few.

While he put his clothes on, I shakily walked to my kimono and put it on, crying quietly. Leaving the room, I left quickly.

(Author-kun: I'm not proud of this chapter...)

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