Rock Lee X Reader

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(Author: This won't be a smut, a sweetheart in the comments wanted me to do it so I'm doing it for them :) Also contains rape, violence and fluff)


Walking home from the academy, I heard footsteps behind me. Ignoring it, I assumed it was someone who lived close to me. 

Hearing them get closer to me, I felt myself being pushing against something hard.

Wincing in pain, I looked up to see my bully, Sakura Haruno. She's hated me since the first year of academy because Sasuke confessed to me. 

"Hey slut, fuck any boys today?" She said rudely

"I'm not a slut like you" I said trying to rub my back to ease the pain. 

Huffing, she rolled her eyes and punched me, knocking me out instantly.

Time skip-

Waking up, I saw that I was in an abandoned warehouse where they used to make kunais. 

Focusing my eyes on a specific corner, I saw three guys talking to a girl which I came to realize is Sakura.

"-Do whatever you want to her" She said before leaving.

The three guys began walking towards me and I felt one of them grab my chest.

Whimpering, I managed to tell him to stop but he didn't.

He ripped my shirt open and began biting on my skin.

Crying, I tried pushing myself away but he held me down.

Tearing my pants off of me, he took his knife and cut my underwear so I was laying naked in front of him.

Tring to cover myself, he punched me and unbuckled his pants, pulling his boxers down and roughly slamming into me. 

Screaming, I told him stop but he didn't listen.


Heading back from our mission, Guy sensei decided we'd run the quickest route to Konoha. 

While running, I heard screams of 'STOP' or 'PLEASE DONT'. I began running that way, Neji and Guy sensei were ahead so they couldn't see me but Tenten saw me and chased after me.

Eventually, I reached the source of the sound and saw it was coming from an abandoned warehouse. Walking inside, Tenten tried calling out to me but I covered her mouth before she could get a chance to speak.

"Go back to Konoha and ask for backup, tell them to go to the abandoned warehouse leading into the forest." I said quietly.

Nodding, she rushed out and I began walking towards the crying and whimpering. 

Finally finding the person making the noise, I saw that it was Y/N, she's in the year below me. 

Rushing towards her, I put my shirt on her and some shorts I had spared in my bag. 

Hearing footsteps coming towards me, I placed Y/N in my arms and ran away. 

Soon after, I reached outside of the warehouse and I saw Guy sensei, Kakashi sensei, Asuma sensei and a few more.  They told me to head to the hospital so I did that.

Not looking back, I was only focused on Y/N and her health.

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