Neji X Reader Part 1

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(Author: I can't seem to think of any way to start this besides jumping into the smut, wait NVM, I know what to do now.)

Reading his girlfriend's journal, he was surprised to see some rather explicit details. 

*Digging my nails into his back as he continued to pound me to my very core. I couldn't hold back my moans as they continued to get louder with each thrust-*

Everyone in Kohona knew the couple. Y/N was known as the cinnamon roll while Neji was known to be the demon of the leaf, Naruto being the Nine tails, ofc.

Reading more, he couldn't help to notice the dent growing in his sweats.

*Pulling my hair from behind, he slammed his cock into my ass, the impact causing the bedspring to make creaking noises. Tightly grabbing the bedspread, I moaned out his name.


Slamming into me harder, his movements began to get sloppy, both our orgasms reaching, we switched positions. He placed my leg on his shoulders and continued to fuck me mercilessly. Finally cumming together, we laid in each other's arms.*

Finishing the page, Neji turned the page to a recent log. Slowly becoming pissed, he couldn't help but wonder if any of what he read was true.

*Sitting behind the hokage's desk, Tsunade had her legs open with her eyes closed in complete bliss. She ran her hands through my hair while I licked her core slowly, the action causing the older female to whimper and softly moan. 

"Q-quit teasing m-me"

Eating her out, I stuck two fingers inside of her and slammed them in and out of her. 

"I wonder, Tsunade, are you a squirter?"

Not leaving any chance for the older to respond, I moved her legs and added another finger inside of her, my fingers slamming inside of her caused skin slapping sounds to erupt into the office.

Licking her harshly, she grabbed my head and pushed me further onto her sensitive clit.


Removing my fingers from inside of her, she squirted.

Laughing lowly I spoke, "Well I guess I got my answer, huh Tsunade?"

The latter just hid her red face.*

(Third POV-)

Walking into her shared apartment, Y/N noticed the place quiet. She knew Neji was home so where was he? 

Entering her bedroom, she paused. Inside was her boyfriend, but that's not what scared her. He was reading her journal, she walked into the room, fake coughing to get his attention.

"H-hey babe.."

Noticing his girlfriend, he looked at her and waved the journal in front of her.

"This, this is... Interesting, to say the least."

Biting her lip, she began messing with her fingers.

"H-how much did you read?"

Physically, she wasn't freaking out much, but mentally, she knew he read it all.

Chuckling, he answered her, almost like he was antagonizing her.

"Oh, I read enough. How Kakashi fucked you, how you wrote about threesomes with Sakura and Hinata, how you made Tsunade squirt."

Narrowing his eyes, he glared at her figure.

"I read it all, Y/N."

Getting up from their bed, he walked past Y/N and shut the bedroom door, making sure to lock it.

"What I'm more concerned about is, is any of it true?"

Standing behind her, he sat his hands on her shoulders making her tense. 

"Is any of it true, Y/N? I won't be angry." 

Kissing the crown of her to make his statement more convincing, he asked again.

"Y/N, I'll ask one more time, is any of it true?"

Finally speaking, she shook her head slightly.

"N-none of it is true."

Rubbing her shoulders, he sighed and patted them before dropping his hands.

"I was really hoping you were going to tell the truth, Y/N."

Pushing her on their bed, he climbed on top of her and held her hands above her head.

"Rather what you wrote in that little diary is true or not, I honestly don't give a fuck. Why, you ask?"

Leaning down, he was forehead to forehead with her.

"Because, I know I fucked you better than them"

(Author: *singy voice* And I know I can fuck you better than they can, and any girl like you deserves a good orgasm- goodbye...)

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