Madara Uchiha x Hashirama Senju x Reader

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Madara pov-

Stupid Senju, why am I here? I still have work to do. Mind as well find entertainment.

Walking around, I found a girl, she was short, well shorter than the women here. It's kind of cute.

Walking up to her, I cleared my throat

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Walking up to her, I cleared my throat

"Hello, I'm Madara, Madara Uchiha."

The annoying people around me gasped.

'I get I don't openly talk to anyone but is gasping really necessary?'

Everyone's expression then turned to hate and fear, while she was smiling. Was she smiling at me?

"Hello, I'm Y/N Uchiha. It's nice to meet you Madara."

'Shouldn't her eyes be oxy black?'

Continuing our conversation, I took her in the cherry blossoms. She's beautiful.

"What did you really want, Madara-sama? You couldn't possibly think I would not know you were up to something the minute you spoke to me."

'How the hell did she figure I was up to something?' Someone's coming


Crap its the depressed idiot, can't he go bother someone else?

"Oh Madara who is this?"

Hashirama bowed at Y/N.

"Hello beautiful, I'm Hashirama Senju. The first Hokage if you didn't know."

Y/N laughed, "I know, I just don't understand why. You don't seem that much of a leader."

(Madara and Hashirama pov- Did she just diss him/me?)

Third POV-

All three of them were walking around, both men staring at the woman in front of them while she was staring at the cherry blossoms.

Finally getting impatient, Madara took Y/N and kissed her. She looked at him shocked but kissed back.

Hashirama, standing at the side, was looking at Y/N, he then walked up to her and kissed her too. It soon turned into a steamy make out. They all took turns exchanging saliva, Madara stood behind Y/N kissing and biting her neck while Hashirama was kissing her and leaving bite marks on her jawline to her chest.

Stopping, they all walked back to Y/N's house. The moment they walked in, Y/N's kimono was removed. They attacked her neck, shoulders, breasts. Making sure to leave purple marks on her body, they then dropped their yukata and processed to walk to her bedroom.

Pushing Madara on the bed, Y/N climbed onto the bed with him and instantly sucked on his cock. Hashirama, standing behind Y/N, took his cock and pumped it a few times before he slid into Y/N. Deepthroating Madara and getting her ass pounded by Hashirama wasn't what she expected to be doing right now but she didn't care. Pulling out of her ass, Hashirama lifted her up so her entrance was directly above Madara's cock.

Lowering her down onto it, he stood behind Y/N once more and pounded her, Madara began pounding into her pussy.

(Author-chan: Basically imagine Y/N in the middle of Madara and Hashirama. Madara is sitting chest to chest with Y/N while she's on his lap, while Hashirama is behind Y/N on his knees on the bed. I suck at explaining)

Groaning into her ear, both men leaned their heads back allowing them to feel more pleasure.

Feeling ecstasy, she bit Madara's shoulder while digging her nails into his back.

Feeling the pain, Madara hissed and pounded into her deeper and with one last groan and moan from them all, they all came.

(Author-chan: This could have been better in my opinion)

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