Minato X Reader

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(Author: Sorry Kushina, but I need a plot)

Minato Namikaze. If you've met him before, you'd say he's a kind and loyal man, he's devoted to his childhood best friend/wife, he's devoted his life to the village. To the village, he's a saint, but no one's perfect. Behind that persona was a man who fell for another woman, a man who wanted so desperately to leave his wife, a man who would go as far as killing the whole village if he didn't had the girl he actually loved in his arms. He is a man of many things, whether it be of sexual relations or simple talents.

(Author: Kinda sounds like I was a lawyer trying to prosecute him for something-)

Minato POV- 

Working on paperwork, my mind began to think of her. Y/N Uzumaki. 


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Y/N Uzumaki is the Uzumaki princess. She's smart, beautiful, strong and she doesn't nag me all the fucking time. She's a bit younger than me but that's never stopped me from thinking about her, naked beneath me, nails scratching and digging into my back and her sweet moans feeling my ears. She's the Uzumaki I really wanted but she left the village. A short while after she left, I received a letter stating she was seeing someone, to spite her, I married Kushina and now I regret it. When Y/n returned, Kushina and I were already married, I expected Y/N to be jealous, but she didn't even bat an eyelash. 

Deep down, I know she sees me as a friend, but it doesn't matter. One day, she'll love me and when she does, we'll be together forever. If I die, she dies. If she dies, I die. It's crazy but true love brings out the worst in people.


Looking up calmly, I finally took notice of my bitch wife.

"Yes, dear" I actually managed to say that through gritted teeth and the urge to just stab her in the throat with a kunai? Good job, Minato.


Maybe if I get a needle, fill it with poisons we found in Orochimaru's lab and give them to her, she'll die. Wait, no that won't work... Maybe if I send her on a mission with Kakashi, he'll kill her. He did it with Rin, maybe he can do it with her..

Snapping out of my thoughts, I saw Kushina standing like she needed an answer.

" They can wait. You and Kakashi have a mission." 

I hope this works..

Hearing a knock, I knew who it was,

"Come in." 

Ah, the teammate killer.

"Yes, Lord Fourth?"

"You and Kushina are to infiltrate a new recruit of the Akatsuki. He goes by the name of Tobi, he seems to have a child-like persona but don't let that fool you." 

"Yes sir."

"Head out now" 

Bowing, he disappeared with  a cloud of smoke.

"Minato, will you walk me to the gates and see me off?" She never learns

"I have work, Kushina. There's no point of seeing you off if you're coming back."

WHY DID YOU JINX YOURSELF?! Technically, I didn't. They're going against the strongest member of the Akatsuki, she's as good as dead.

Sighing, she left. When I can't sense her chakra, I went to the place my soon-to-be lover lived. Time to play the worried husband.

Knocking on the door, I looked down. Cue the crocodile tears. 

Seeing the door open, I threw myself in her arms and 'sobbed' 

Not asking questions, she pulled me into her house and led me to her couch, holding me tight.

"What's wrong, Minato?"

"K-kushina went on a mission to infiltrate the Akatsuki's strongest member. I'm worried she won't come back." 'Crying' loudly, she continued to hug me. 

Pulling from her, I looked into her eyes, I saw worry, sadness and various other emotions.

Finally, I smashed my lips onto hers and kissed her. Making my way to her neck, I licked and sucked on her sweet spot causing her to moan softly.

Trying to push me off of her, she bit her lip to stop her moans from escaping her lips. Deciding to stop pushing me away, she let her moans escape from her lips.

Sliding my hand down to her clothed cunt, I rubbed my hand against the fabric causing her to close her eyes and arch her back. Sliding my way in between her legs, I swiped my tongue against the fabric of her underwear, while kitty licking her clothed cunt, she began moaning.

Ripping her underwear off, I took off my clothing and positioned myself at her entrance. Sliding my cock into her, she shut her eyes tightly and tried grabbing the edges of the sofa. Slamming my cock in and out, our groans and moans filled the room. Laying on my back, Y/n climbed onto my cock once more and rode me, squeezing her breasts, she rode faster. We eventually came together but I wasn't done. 

Making her lay down on the sofa, I opened her legs wide and slammed 4 fingers into her. Screaming and having tears stream down her face, she began moaning and screaming.


Shoving my 5th finger into her, my fist was thrusting into her quickly. With my other hand, I rubbed her clit. Moaning and clenching her walls around my hand, I pulled my hand out and she squirted on herself and me. Licking the excess cum off my hand, I kissed her passionately.



After Minato's secret session, he went back to his office and continued working. A few hours later, Kakashi entered the hokage's office with his head down solemnly.

"Forgive me, Lord Forth... Lady Kushina didn't survive the mission.."

Slightly expecting the hokage to cry, he waited to comfort the man he saw as a father, but the tears never streamed down his face,

"I'll prepare the funeral. Thank you for telling me Kakashi."

Not what Kakashi expected, but he just shrugged it off thinking he was trying to be a strong leader and not let emotions ruin his judgement.

Oh how wrong he was..........


(Author: Finally fucking updated)

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