Sasuke Uchiha x Reader

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(Author-chan: So um- well for those who have seen Fifty shades of grey, this will be like that, only a little more kinkier. I'm going to go to church or find hobi water after I finish this)

Sasuke Pov-

WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?! SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERE 30 MINUTES AGO. She's testing my patience and I don't like that.

Hearing the door open, she walked in with a smile on her face, "Hey babe, sorry I'm late, I had to talk to Neji about something."

So not only is she late, but she was with another man. She must have a death wish.

"You have your fucking phone y/n, what the hell was so important you couldn't call me?"

Looking at me, she coughed, "It was a job he needed help with. We thought it would take a few minutes but it got more complicated. I'm sorry"

Getting up from my desk angrily, I slammed my hands down, " YOU WERE LATE, NOT TO FUCKING MENTION, WITH ANOTHER FUCKING GUY. I knew you were a slut but sleeping with your boss something I didn't even see you doing."

Walking up to me, she slapped me, "HE NEEDED HELP WITH GETTING A GIFT FOR HIS WIFE ASSHOLE."

She then took her bag and tried to walk out the door. Key word tried, I grabbed her arm and shut the door slamming her back against it. "Let's get one thing straight, you are dating me, you follow my rules if you ever want to continue dating me."

She spoke up, not loud but I could still hear her, " Maybe I don't want to."

Lowering my eyes to focus only on her, "You don't want to what?"

" I don't want to be with you anymore."

Laughing, I looked at her serious, " Darling, you don't have an option-"

Lifting her chin so she can see I was serious, " You belong to me now, remember you signed a contract stating you belong to me until I get tired of you. Now I mind as well show you who exactly you belong to, huh darling?"

I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my play room.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my play room

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Removing her hair tie, I went behind her.

"From now on, you won't be working. You'll be staying at home while I work. When I come home, I expect you to be in here, with your hair tied, nude and on your knees."

I removed her clothes and pushed her to her knees.

I took my flogger and dragged it across her shoulder, hitting it occasionally. I then made my way down to her chest. I circled her nipples with the toy. Slapping against it hard, I heard her gasp. Chuckling, I shook my head,

"Save the gasps for when you need them darling"

I pulled her up and took her to the bed, wrapping a red rope around her ankles, neck and wrists. She was in front of me, ass in the air, being an obedient slut.

Kissing her neck, I made my way down to her entrance and began to eat her out. I stuck my tongue inside of her and pushed her body so it was riding my tongue.

Getting tired of teasing her, I pulled my pants and boxers down and rubbed the head of my cock onto her entrance. Moaning, she arched her back and moaned.

Without warning, I slammed my cock into her at a inhuman pace. Her moans filled the room with an occasional groan from me. I lifted her so she was standing in front of me and slammed into her harder. Her screams filled my ear and I couldn't be prouder. I was the only one who could make her scream like this.

Flipping her over, she was now laying on her back, I pounded into her from the front. She soon came onto my cock, I pulled out and came on her stomach.

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