Shisui Uchiha X Reader

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Shisui Uchiha was known to be one of the greatest uchiha throughout history. Many thought of him as a cold-hearted, emo, bitch, but he wasn't like that. If you ask his best friend (although he wouldn't admit it), Itachi, Shisui was a crackhead. He would bring the sunshine out of a cloudy storm.

However, even Itachi didn't know Shisui had a alternative ego to him.

Even when he tried not to show that side, Itachi knew something was up, he just didn't know what.

Lets begin, this is going to suck.......


Finishing up his mission, Shisui reported to the hokage and headed home. Although, something was different. Instead of going to his grandmother's house, he headed towards his best friend's home. Y/N Senju. Even though she was a Senju, the Uchiha didn't mind her staying within their compound.

(Third Pov-)

Walking with her best friend, Itachi, Y/N noticed Shisui and waved to him.

"SHISUI" Hearing his name, the boy ran to her, quickly scooping her tiny form into his arms and kissing her longingly. They acted as if they were the only people in the world. Unbeknownst to them, Itachi stared at shisui, he yearned for the boy to pay attention to him like he does to Y/N. The young boy knew it was wrong, they were cousins for fuck's sake, yet he still wanted the older uchiha to love him as a partner and not as a friend.

Finally stepping out of his thoughts, Itachi noticed they were no longer in front of him. They had made their way to Y/N's place.

(Shisui pov-)

Kissing y/n, I turned towards Itachi to say hi, only to see him looking at Y/N like he yearned to feel her. I pulled Y/N to her place and opened the door. Looking at her, I pulled her inside and kissed her passionately. Kami, I've missed those lips. Picking her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and lightly rubbed her clothed entrance against me.

Groaning, I walked into the living room and laid her on her back. Lifting her left leg to my waist, I kissed her, this time adding tongue and lip bites along the way. Running her hands through my hair, she kissed me back and slowly rubbed herself against me.

Opening her kimono, I kiss her neck and grip onto her waist.


Lets skip foreplay, im horny, irritated, and God she looks so fucking good underneath me.

Ripping her underwear off, I quickly removed my clothes and slid myself into her harshly.

Thrusting into her, she gripped onto my hair tightly and moaned loudly. Harshly, grinding myself into her deeper, she made such lewd faces.

(Tried to upload a picture, but nah)

Bending her over, I imagined Itachi's face when he saw her kissing me, causing me to go deeper if even possible.

The more I think about his face, I grip onto her hips tightly, my hands leaving imprints. That little shithead wants my girl. Slamming her onto me, we both groaned and moaned.

"I-i'm cumming, shisui"

Right after she said that, I felt her tightening around my cock and releasing her orgasm. Feeling myself twitch from the feeling, I came inside of her. Turning her over, I kissed her.

"You're mine and only mine"

Ed my


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