Hashirama Senju x Reader

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Hashirama pov-

Y/N and I had an argument this morning. She wanted to go on a mission. The very same mission that could hurt Tobirama and I. Sighing, I walked to the guest room where she was staying. She always used that room when we fight.

Knocking on the door, I heard her telling me to come in. "Can we talk?"

Looking at me, she rolled her eyes, " Why? So you can tell me I'm not strong enough to go?"

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I crossed my arms and spoke, "Why do you always do this?"

"Do what? All I'm trying to do is ask why I can't go on a fucking mission with my husband" she knows what she's doing to me yet she keeps doing it.

"You know exactly why you can't fucking go so why do you keep pushing the subject?" She's starting to piss me off.

"I don't know why, so please enlighten me. Or is it because you think I'm weak and I'll immediately die?"

Finally losing my patience, I pinned her to the bed and roughly held her cheeks with one hand while my other hand was holding her hands above her head,

"I don't care whether you know the reason or not but you aren't going on this mission."

Letting go of her, I got up and began to walk out of the room. I stopped when I heard her mumble something. I don't think I was supposed to hear it but I did

"You're scared I'll die with you there? Are you really that weak?"

Walking back into the room, I slammed the door shut and grabbed her neck.

"You think I'm weak?" I laughed. "I'm far from it. Let me give you an demonstration."

Roughly pulling her to me, I kissed her making sure to bite her lip. I smirked when she gasped. Licking her bleeding lip, I started to remove both of our clothes, when we were finally nude, I roughly grabbed her legs and wrapped her legs around my torso. Her entrance to my cock.

Kissing and biting her neck, I spoke in a low voice, "You think I'm weak? I'll prove you wrong kitten"

Gripping her thighs, I took one hand and squeezed her breasts. I took her erected nipple and bit it causing her to throw her head back. Laying her down on the bed, I climbed on top of her and began kissing her shoulders, chest, stomach. Eventually I reached her pussy, I licked her clit, and stuck a finger inside of her.

Arching her back, she exclaimed, " STOP FUCKING TEASING"

Smirking, I looked at her and sucked on her clit, moving my tongue inside of her. She tried pushing my head forward but I held her hands together.

She moaned and came onto my tongue. Moving my head up to hers, I kissed her so she can taste herself. Positioning her ass in the air, I grabbed a condom and put it on.

"Having fun princess?"

"Shut up and fuck me"

Sticking my cock in her ass, I slammed into her. Surprised and in pain, she grabbed the sheets tightly. I moved the pillow in front of her so she can bite on it. I then started pounding into her faster, her muffled moans is all you hear. I bite and suck on her shoulder and neck while groaning.

She then yelled my name and came on the bed. I soon came after.

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