Madara X Male! reader

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Waiting for Madara Uchiha in his house, Takashi Senju laid on Madara's bed. He knew he wasn't supposed to be there, he wasn't even supposed to be in contact with the Uchiha, but with one look, like many others, the Senju fell for the man.

Just thinking about him gave Takashi an erection. Untying the knot on his montsuki, he took it off and threw it on the floor.

 Grabbing his member, Takashi began stroking it thinking of Madara. Groaning, he began stroking his member faster, placing an arm over his eyes, Takashi, with one last shout of Madara's name, came onto his stomach and into his hands.


Biting his lip, Madara had witnessed everything the Senju brother did. From the moment he entered his house to when he came.

Chuckling, he looked at the Senju who has yet to notice that he's in the room with him. Deciding to let him know he's there,  he walked over to the Senju, taking his member into his hand, Madara stroke it painfully slow. 

Grabbing the sheets tightly, Takashi opened his eyes to see Madara with his hand on his member. Eyes going wide, Takashi quickly got up just to be pushed on the bed roughly.

"What are you doing in here, Takashi?" Madara said dangerously low

"I-I j-just w-wanted to talk" Takashi said biting his lip

Squeezing his member, Madara narrowed his eyes

 "Don't lie, why are you really here?" 

Looking around the room trying to avoid Madara's glare, Takashi whimpered and clutched the blankets tightly as Madara continued to stroke his member.

"I-i m-missed you. I-I w-wanted to see you a-again" 

Letting a unbelieving chuckle escape from his lips, Madara let go off Takashi's member

"You're an idiot Senju, what we did was a one time thing, I don't do seconds. I fuck then I let go. I fucked you then I let you go. I even told you not to get attached." Madara said before sitting at his desk.

"I-I know b-but I t-thought I w-was an exception." Takashi said in a small voice

"No, you weren't. I slept with you, I never said anything about seconds, or relationships. Sorry, kid." Madara said not caring.

Takashi, heartbroken, teared up.

" B-but I'm giving up e-everything to be with you..." 

"That's stupid, all we did was fuck. I have no romantic feelings toward you, you can fuck, I'll give you that but I don't do relationships. You'll move on." Madara said before writing 

Upset, angry and hurt tears streamed down his face, Takashi began talking

"I went against my clan to be with you, my brothers, I hurt them to be with you.. This is what you have to say?" 

Madara paused, he loves Takashi but he can't forget Hashirama. He was in love with him yet Hashirama didn't care, he married that obnoxious Uzumaki girl.


Sighing and getting up, Madara began leaving. Takashi not wanting him to leave, grabbed him and back-hugged him. Activating his Sharingan, Madara turned around and slammed Takashi against the wall. His hand wrapped around the Senju's throat, desperately ignoring the urge to just fuck him right then and there, he spoke

"Don't test me, Senju. Get the fuck out of here and never come back." He said in a warning tone

Seeing their position, Takashi blushed lightly and shook his head

"I'm not leaving, you can kick me out but I'll always come back because I love you" Takashi said looking down trying to hide his blush

Finally deciding to express his feelings, Madara kissed Takashi hungrily.

Surprised but happy, Takashi kissed him back.

Madara, with his Sharingan still activated, told Takashi to jump. Being obedient, Takashi jumped and wrapped his arms and legs around Madara. Walking to his bed, Madara laid Takashi on his bed and immediately attacked Takashi with bites and kisses. 

Takashi, quickly switching places with Madara, removed Madara's clothes and began leaving hickies leading down to Madara's member. Not giving the Senju time to admire his size, Madara shoved his member into Takashi's mouth. Choking, Takashi didn't care, he rather enjoyed it. Shoving Madara's member into his mouth, Takashi began taking it all. Deepthroating Madara, Takashi began using his tongue, twirling it on Madara's length making Madara on cloud 9.

Feeling Madara twitch in his mouth, Takashi went faster, soon Madara's cum was in Takashi's mouth and on the corners of his lips. Swallowing while looking Madara in his eyes, Takashi ran his tongue along Madara's member cleaning any remaining cum. 

Madara wanting to feel Takashi's asshole on his cock, quickly got up, bent Takashi over, spit on the Senju's asshole and quickly slammed his member into his asshole. Stroking his cock with one hand, Takashi clutched his remaining hand in the sheets. 

Groaning into Takashi's ear, Madara slammed into him faster causing Takashi to bleed. Wanting to see his face and hear his moans clearly, Madara flipped Takashi over so that Takashi's legs were in the air. Moaning loudly, Takashi wrapped his legs around Madara's waist, pulling him closer and shoving Madara's cock deeper into his ass. 

Speeding up, Madara saw that Takashi was arching his back. Soon both came, but they didn't stop.

 Madara, laying on the bed, began biting Takashi's nipples while Takashi rode him. With each thrust, Takashi's cock rubbed against his and Madara's skin making him feel complete ecstasy.

Groaning loud, Madara began scratching Takashi's back and biting on his pale skin. Tilting his head back and wrapping his arms around Madara's shoulders, Takashi began riding Madara harder and faster. Feeling completely high with lust, love and passion, both guys began making out hungrily yet passionately.

Running his hands through Madara's hair, occasionally tugging on it, Takashi felt himself approaching his climax. Madara began choking him while slamming his cock into Takashi causing the Senju to release his cum on his and Madara's stomachs. Madara, feeling himself twitch, came into Takashi's ass. 

Pulling out of him, Madara laid Takashi down gently, giving him a final kiss, he wrapped his arms around him and they fell asleep.

(Author: ......................................................I'm not upset with this chapter but i'm not entirely happy with it. Tell me if you like it in the comments.......................)

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