𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 5

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I finish eating my Sushi as I listen to Bokuto tell me about his team, it seemed like he really cared for them. I smiled as he ate the last of his meat bun.

"Do I have to take you home? I'm already so sleepy and cozy." I say tugging on my dress.

"I can just sleep on the floor if that's cool with you." He shrugs taking a swig of his tea.

"Yeah, but I have class early in the morning so I would have to take you to go get your car early." I say swinging my legs off the counter.

"That's fine I don't mind." He says collecting his mess and placing it into the paper bag from which it came.

"I would ask if you need clothes to sleep in but I only have girly clothes and your already pretty comfortable." I say hopping off the counter walking towards my room.

"C'mon loser we're going to bed." I call for Bokuto to follow me. I sit down on my unmade bed waiting for him to appear. Once he does he presses his body against the door frame looking around my room.

"Cute room." He says while taking a step in still looking around.

"Thanks, Saeko helped me decorate it when I moved in." I say with a wide smile.

"Saeko?" I look up forgetting he doesn't even know who Saeko is.

"She's my best friend, she works the club with me most nights. The one you saw me dancing with." I say remembering he seen me dance with her.

"Oh yeah her, she looks really familiar but I can't put my finger on it." He furrows his eyebrows together looking up.

"I need to take a shower but feel free to grab a pillow off my bed and a cover from the closet." I say pointing to my closet where all my covers were. I walk to my drawers pulling out some underwear and an oversized t-shirt. I put my phone on the charger and grab my towel walking into the bathroom. I run the water letting the air become humid from the heat. I step in the shower washing away all the dirty I felt from the club, I knew Akaashi kept the club clean. I just had to worry about tramps like Krystal being dirty. I lather my body in soap making sure to clean myself well. I quickly wash my hair and rinse myself off. I turn off the water and grab my towel, I dry my body off and wrap my hair up with said towel. I hop out of the shower picking up my underwear's putting them on. I slip the oversized shirt on taking the towel off my head placing it on a hook in my bathroom. I turn the light off and quietly open the bathroom door.

"So how's Rio treating you? Is it crazy over there?" Bokuto says looking down at his phone.

"It's really good, I'm learning so many new things! Maybe I can teach you once I get back?" I hear another voice speak to him.

"Yeah hopefully, things have been slow without everyone around. I barely see Sakusa. I'm always with Atsumu though." He hunches over his phone.

"Well I'll be back soon. How have you been though? Anything new?" The orange haired boy asked.

"Nothing much, I met this girl. I think it's just for fun though, I don't wanna press the issue. Other then that nothings going on here." I don't know if I should be hurt that it's just fun to him or relived.

"Sounds interesting, you'll have to tell me about it later." Bokuto nods at his comment.

"Alright, I'll catch you on the flip. I'm pretty tired and I gotta get up early tomorrow." He says pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Okay, I'll send you pictures and stuff." The hoarse voice says.

"Oh dude before I forget! What have they been feeding you in Rio. Your bout big as me dude!" Bokuto says enthusiastically.

[ 𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 ] 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘. 𝚔Where stories live. Discover now