𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 26

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Once again I wake up to a cold, empty bed. I slowly open my eyes and look around the room. His keys and jacket were gone, which means he must be at work already. I had a few deals today but nothing special, just routine. I sat up letting my feet dangle from the bed. I grab my phone off the nightstand and dial Saeko's number.

"Hello?" She answers almost immediately. I shake my head and smile.

"Hey you." I say while standing up and walking to the living room.

"What are you up to?" She asks as I grab the rolling tray from the table rolling a joint.

"Nothing much, listen. I wanted to invite you and Aniya over. I have so much to tell y'all." I continue grinding some weed as I wait for her response.

"Yeah, I'm on my way to pick up Aniya right now. We were gonna go to lunch did you want to come?"

"Yeah, we can talk after lunch though. Aniya's place." I state before putting the tray down.

"Okay, I'll be there in 10!"

"Okay! Drive safe, love you!" I say before hanging up and running to the room to get dressed. I quickly threw together an outfit as I run around trying not to forget anything.

your fit:

I grab my bag and walk back to the living room continuing to roll my joint

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I grab my bag and walk back to the living room continuing to roll my joint. Once I finish I get a text from Saeko saying she was here. I grab a smelly proof bag and drop the joint in there, carefully placing the smelly proof into my bag. I grab my phone and keys and lock the front door running to the car. I open the door and slip in the backseat and set my stuff next to me.

"Hey!" Aniya perks up while turning around looking in the backseat. Her face dropping the second she seen my face, Saeko too.

"What the hell happened to your face y/n?!" They ask in unison. I bring my fingers to my face lightly touching my stitches.

"Oh, I just fell. I'm okay." I said while letting out a little sigh. I would tell them but neither of them knew about mine and Akaashi's little side business.

"Are you sure? You know if somethings going on you can talk to us." Aniya says while gripping onto the seat.

"I know, I'm okay I swear." I laugh it off as they turn back around looking at each other.

"Okay, so where are we going to eat?" I ask while scooting the the middle seat so I could see them both.

"Just this little place a couple blocks from here." Saeko said while pulling out of the driveway.

~time skip to the restaurant~

I place my bag on the back of my seat as I sit across from Saeko, Aniya sitting next to me.

"How was everyones week?" Aniya asks while putting her elbows on the table resting her head in her hands.

"Good, Atsumu has been a pain." Saeko groans while leaning back a bit.

"It's been slow." I mumble while picking up my menu, looking over it.

"Yeah since Akaashi made you quit." Aniya laughs while letting her hands fall to her sides.

"I cant even be mad though, I like staying home and running errands for him." I laugh while shaking my head.

"I actually have news for you guys." Aniya says while reaching for her bag.

"Good or bad?" Saeko said while leaning forward.

"I put my two week notice in." Aniya beams while holding onto a black sheet of paper.

"What why?! I'm gonna be there all alone!" Saeko pouts while cocking her head slightly.

"Aren't y'all going to ask why I put my two weeks in?" She rolls her eyes.

"Why did you put your two weeks in?" I ask while rolling my eyes slightly. She holds up the tiny black sheet of paper.

"Because in a couple of weeks it'll be hard to hide a baby bump." She smiles.

"Your lying!" Me and Saeko says in unison grabbing the black piece of paper.

"How long have you known?" Saeko questions as she begins to tear up, as well as me.

"About two months. Suna and I have been waiting to tell people. I wanted you guys to be some of the first people to know." She says as I hand her the ultrasound.

"I better be the God mom." I laugh as Saeko playfully shoves my shoulder.

"What if I want to be the God mom?" She says while licking the inside of her bottom lip.

"Oh hush y'all can both be the God mom." Aniya says while rolling her eyes.

"I'm so happy. It seems like everything is falling into place. Aniya's going to have a baby. Saeko's wedding is in a few months." I smile and grab their hands.

"Speaking of. When is Akaashi gonna grow some balls and pop the question already." Aniya huffs.

"I told him not to because I would say no, I'm not ready to get married yet. We just moved in together less than a year ago." I roll my eyes.

"Okay enough of that talk, let's talk about something else." Saeko says while grabbing her menu.

The rest of lunch was pretty peaceful. Aniya talking about baby names and what color the nursery would be. Saeko dropped me back off at home, I wanted to surprise Akaashi with dinner tonight. I open the pantry contemplating what to make. I decide on Nanohana no Karashiae, since it was Akaashi's favorite. I prepare everything to surprise i'm as I just wait for the rest of the food to cook. I grab a small basket placing plates, napkins, and utensils in it. Maybe I could spend the night at the office with him? I walk to the room and grab a bag throwing some overnight clothes in that as well as a blanket and a pillow. I grab them and walk to the living room setting everything on the couch. I run back to the kitchen turning the stove off. I neatly packed everything into the basket and load everything into the car. Once I was done I walk back inside grabbing my phone and keys. I lock the door and walk to my car hopping in.

I cant wait to surprise Kaashi, it's been a while since we've had a night alone in the office.

[ 𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 ] 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘. 𝚔Where stories live. Discover now