𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 12

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The sound of a phone ringing filled my ears, waking me up. I sit up and see Bokuto still fast asleep. I shake him slightly trying to get him to wake up.

"Bo, your phones ringing." He sits up and grabs his phone answering it almost immediately.

"Hello?" He says in a groggy tone, I lay back down and wait for him to be done.

"Okay, perfect. I'll stop by and pick it up in two hours." He says hanging up. I feel his hand on my waist as I turn around looking at him.

"I'm hungry." I mumble while turning around to face him.

"I can make you pancakes?" He says running his hands through his hair.

"I wanted eggs." I pout while sitting up and hugging him.

"I burn eggs, but somehow pancakes just work."

"Okay then." He gets up and hold his hand out. I take it as he drags me out of bed. We walk to the kitchen hand and hand. He picks me up and sits me down on the island.

"Ouh, it's cold." I moan, sticking my hands under my legs in attempt to keep them warm.

"Sorry." He laughs while grabbing a pan as well as all the ingredients he needed. He opened a separate cabinet when I seen Nutella.

"Oh! I want that too!" I say pointing to the container of Nutella. He pulled it down and set it next to the ingredients.

"I'm sorry if these pancakes suck." He says while mixing everything into a bowl.

"It's the thought that counts." I begin looking around his kitchen when I see pictures of him and Akaashi hung up. I hop off the counter walking over the them. I run my finger across the frame. Bokuto and Akaashi looked so happy. Akaashi's deadpan face was always hard to read, but I always knew when he was happy.

"You guys really care for each dont y'all?"

"Yeah, he's like my twin flame. Cant live without the dude." He says while still making my food.

"That's really sweet... Sometimes I feel that way about Saeko." I mumble the last part as I return my focus onto all the framed photos. I walk back over to the counter hopping back up. Bokuto turns off the stove and places a plate of pancakes next to me. He grabs the Nutella and some silverware putting them next to the plate.

"Thank youuuu." I say pulling him into a hug. I quickly peel him off of me and grab the plate setting it on my lap. I open the Nutella and spread some on the pancakes. I cut off a little piece and eat it.

"It's so good." I say in between chews.

"Good, do you want something to drink?" He walks to the fridge opening it.

"No thanks." I say as I continue eating my food. He pulls out a water and takes a drink walking back over to me. He opens his mouth, I cut him a piece and put it in his mouth.

"Dang, maybe I should quit playing volleyball and become a chef"

"Yeah right, try making it from scratch." I roll my eyes.

"Hey at least I tried, no one would have ever known." He says raising his eyebrows.

"I guess your right." I say taking another bite.

"Are you gonna shower today?" He pushes himself off of the counter.

"No, I took one last night before I came. I might just wash my body." I take the last few bites of my food and set my plate down. He walks over to me and picks me up. I wrap my arms and legs around his to support myself. I placed my chin in the crook of his neck.

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