𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 36

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"So where to now?" He asks as we sit outside of the restaurant in the car.

"Actually, will you take me to this club?" I ask showing him my screen revealing the address the Club Akiteru. He gives me a silent nod before he drove off. He takes the AUX cord plugging his phone in. He scrolls through his music before putting on When You Love Someone by Tone smith. As soon as I begin recognized the song, I feel my heart sink. I let myself relax in the seat as we pull into the club. He pulls into a parking spot as I tap my finger against the armrest. He begins to unstrap his seatbelt as I look at him confused.

"Are you gonna come or not?" He asks while shoving his keys in his front pockets before getting out of the car. I open my car door and close it, he locks his car from his pocket before walking up the club and the horrendous long line. As was about to stand in line Bokuto wraps his arm around me pulling me to the front entrance, cutting in-front of everyone.

"Can you please tell Tsukki im here." He says to the bouncer.

"He's busy at the moment." He tells Bokuto not budging.

"Then call Yamaguchi over here." He says dropping the smile becoming visibly annoyed. The bouncer peeks his head in the door before a greenish haired man came out.

"Oh, come on in." He smiles as Bokuto pulls me inside with him and his friend.

"Tsukki really isn't busy, he's just talking to Akiteru." The man says as we made our way to the back of the large club. We stop in front of the door before Bokuto lightly knocking on it. He pushes it open revealing two blonde males.

"Oh shit." One of them with glasses says while looking at Bokuto.

"Tsukki!" Bokuto says letting me go and walking over to Tsukishima taking his hand. I stand back as they all say their hello's.

"Who's this beautiful young lady?" The man behind the desk says standing up extending his hand towards me.

"I'm y/n." I say taking his hand shaking it firmly.

"This is the girl I was telling you about. She could be good for business." Tsukishima says to the man.

"She's absolutely stunning and he body is perfect, but I'm going to need more than your physical attributes. How well can you preform on the pole?" He asks crossing his arms.

"I'll make you more money than you've ever made in one night. You name when and I'll come in for a little free trial." I smile confidently.

"Tomorrow, 8 o'clock on the dot." He says smiling at me.

"Okay say less." I grin. Akiteru extends his hand and I take it giving it a firm shake.

"I didn't think you'd take her." Tsukashima laughs almost insultingly.

"My husband needs another sack." The same blonde haired girl from earlier today said while walking through the door.

"Stop saying husband every five seconds Kenz, he's your fiancé." Tsukishima groans while opening one od the drawers grabbing a sack throwing it directly at Kenz.

"Well he's still GOING to be my husband." She pouts walking out of the door.

"Okay well, we better get out of here." Bokuto says while placing his hand on the small of my back.

"Why don't you stay for a couple of drinks?" Akiteru questions tilting his head slightly.

"y/n hasn't eaten and we were on our way to do that when we stopped here instead." Bokuto mumbles plainly.

"Well the invite always stands, Kou." He smiles at Bokuto.

"Bye everyone." He smiles at Tsukishima as we back out of the room. As we walk out of the club Bokuto grabs my hand giving it a tight squeeze. Before reaching the car he places a kiss on the back of my hand.

"Your acting weird right now. And what was that whole thing about dinner? We just ate, you can have fun with them if you want to Bo. Im not holding you back." I say motioning towards the club.

"Its not that, I just don't think we should hang around with them unless we have to. Thats all." He says opening my door letting me slip in. He closes the door before walking to his side getting in.

"I don't get why you wouldn't want to hang out with them, I thought you liked Tsukishima."

"Its not that I don't like Tsukki, its just I don't want to trust Akiteru. I don't trust him with you." He says turning on the car shrugging.

"I'm lost." I say as my mind tries to think of ways Akiteru might have upset Bokuto.

As we made our way home I thought about different things he said to me and about me when it clicked.

"Is it because he said my body was perfect?" I question, side eyeing Bokuto. He let out a large sigh before quickly pulling into the driveway of his house.

"Listen I know I'm not very smart, but you really haven't put the pieces together?" He says taking his seatbelt off adjusting himself in the seat to where he was facing me.

"Well obviously not if I'm sitting here playing stupid with you ass." I roll my eyes as he takes my hands lightly massaging them with his palms.

"He's into some real shady shit y/n, all of them are. I seen what happened when Akaashi couldn't protect you.." He says while reaching up to my eye lightly grazing over where my stitches had been.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine. I wont get involved in whatever is going on inside of Club Akiteru." I promise.

"That's not what I'm worried about.. Remember when you were telling me the story of how everything went down that day? And the letter at the very end?" He says breaking eye contact.

"mmhm?" I question.

"What letter was it." He asks.

"A, but I'm lost on why this correlates with the club." I say.

"When me and Akaashi were still friends, he would tell me all the shady shit Akiteru would do just to get people to work for him.. And what happened that day? Sounds like some careless shit Akiteru would do." He scoffs.

"So you think Tsukishima's brother was the one that hurt me?"

[ 𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 ] 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘. 𝚔Where stories live. Discover now