𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 28

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I pull out of the club parking lot and with a heavy heart. This is the first time i've felt as if I couldn't trust Akaashi, which sucked. He was one of the very few people I could trust. That list just got shorter. I think to myself as I drive "home". Once I pull in everyone was already there. I get out of my car popping the trunk. I walk over to Aniya who's sitting in Suna's car with the door open. She looks up at me giving me a weak smile.

"You can stay in the car, I'll get the others to help me." I say while looking over at Suna. I cock my head signaling to the door as Saeko and Atsumu pull up. I walk to the door unlocking it pushing it open. Suna pushes me in closing the door behind him.

"You haven't told Aniya when you seen me with Bokuto have you?" He asks while giving me a cold, blank stare.

"No why would I? She doesn't even know that was mine and Akaashi's side hustle." I say pushing past him opening the door for Atsumu and Saeko letting them in. They push past me looking around, my eyes fly to the table which usually held my rolling tray, grinder, pipes, and other things which was gone. I walk up to the table looking for it until I found it in a small box under the couch. I pull it out setting in on the couch.

"What do we need to pack?" Saeko asks waking up to me rubbing my back.

"All of my stuff is in his room. I have a few things around the house I can grab while y'all pack the room. The big dresser is mine, half of the closet, Saeko you know where it stops. All of my shoes please and I'll pack the bathroom and stuff up." I say as Saeko walks to my room, the boys following her. I walk to the kitchen and grab a plastic bag throwing stuff inside. I stop when I reach our photos. Me and Akaashi on our first date. Me and Akaashi at the beach. I grabbed them shoving them in the bag making sure to not leave anything behind. I walk back to the living room setting the bag on the couch then walk into my room when I see everyone shoving my clothes and other random things into suitcases and bags I had. I begin the help as I suppress the lump in my throat.

~two and half hour later~

After a while we finally got everything packed and loaded into the cars, I didn't have much besides clothes and stuff anyways. I made sure to comb through the house double checking I didn't forget anything. I sat down in the middle of our half empty room. Suna and Atsumu had left to go drop my stuff off at Suna and Aniya's place while I would stay back saying goodbye with the girls. Saeko sat behind me cradling me from the back, I sob while holding Aniya's hand.

"This is why I didn't open up to Bokuto. I loved Akaashi and I trusted him with every fiber in my being. Yet he still stabbed me in the back." I scream.

"Let's give her some time alone.." Aniya says while pulling Saeko out of the room. I slowly stand up trying to compose myself. I walk to our dresser pulling it open grabbing some paper and a pen writing him a small note, wrapping the house key in the note. I walk out of the room wiping my eyes ready to get out of here. I walk into the living room smiling at the girls. I grab the last bag from the couch before walking out of the door locking it behind me. We get to the car and slip inside, today was a long day for me and I was just ready to go to bed. Even if it wouldn't be in my bed, with the person I loved. I let out a loud sigh as I drive off holding Saeko's hand. Once we make it to Aniya's house we grab all the bags taking them inside setting them in the spare room where all of my stuff was already placed. I walk out of the room and into the kitchen thanking the boys for helping. I lean against the counter as I watch everyone happily interact. I smile to myself before excusing myself back to the room. I sit down on the edge of the bed looking around. The door opens slowly as Aniya slips in.

"You can just lay down, or take a shower. I had Suna change everything before you came like the bedsheets and towels." She says as she walks up to me giving me a hug. I squeeze her tightly, closing my eyes.

"Thank you for everything." I mumble while rubbing her back slightly.

"I'll always be here for you y/n. I love you." She pulls aways smiling at me brightly.

"I love you too." I smile before she walks out leaving me alone with my thoughts. I strip into my bra and underwear as I paw through suitcases finding some clothes to sleep in. My favorite silk black matching set was the first thing I saw so I slipped them on not hesitating twice. With that I walk to the bed laying down as thoughts raced through my head. Did he do this every time he was "working late"? Does he love how he was hooking up with? Is this why he stopped saying those three precious words to me..? I close my eyes forcing myself to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I lazily sit up as I reach for my phone looking at it.

'Incoming call from Keiji <3'

I quickly press decline as I see a small note on the nightstand. I pick it up reading Aniyas neat handwriting

'Suna and I will be out for the day xoxo - A'

I stand up setting the note back onto the nightstand. I open the door as I'm met with a pair of golden eyes I've seen once too many times before.

"y/n?" Bokuto says while setting a box on the floor looking at me in my pj's.

"What the hell are you doing here dressed like that? Don't tell me you and"

"No were not." I cut him off, stopping him from saying something idiotic.

"Then?" He asks while pointing to the room I just came out of.

"That's none of your business. Suna and Aniya both know i'm here so it shouldn't be an issue for you either." I say rolling my eyes walking past him. I turn into the kitchen looking around. Maybe I should order some food instead of eating theirs. I think to myself before turning around. I walk back into my room grabbing my phone sitting on the bed. I place the phone to my ear as I look up and see Bokuto's body pressed up against the doorframe examining all the suitcases, bags, and other things scattered across the room.

"Hi yes I'd like to place an order. Yes, two orders of pancakes and can I get a side of meat buns on one of them?" I ask while side eyeing Bokuto. He looks up meeting my gaze analyzing me from top to bottom while his hand rested on his bottom lip. I quickly gave the women the address before hanging up.

"You got me food too?" He asks while walking further into the room sitting at the edge of the bed.

"I eat a lot, plus you really put me on meat buns." I smirk.

"Touché." He says while giving me his husky laugh. I let out a sigh of relief as I look away from him and back at the suitcases and bags facing the harsh reality.

"So your really not gonna tell me what happened?" He questions while leaning forward slightly.

"It's stupid, and your probably gonna laugh at me and say I told you so." I say while bringing my knees to my face.

"You know that's not me. Shit may have ended real fucking weird between us but that don't mean I don't care about you. I just wanna make sure your safe. I mean I doubt it was Akaashi who did that to your face." He says while running his callous finger across my stitches.

"If he needs help keeping you safe I'm here." He says while raising and dropping his shoulders.

"Hes the one that hurt me Kotaro." I let out a breathy laugh, looking away.

"He, hurt you?" He sounds genuinely confused and hurt for a second before turning to anger within seconds.

"What did he do?" He says while positioning himself further on the bed.

"He fucked another girl Kotaro." I laugh in a bitter tone.

"No shit?!" He says with wide eyes.

"Welcome to my nightmare."

[ 𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 ] 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘. 𝚔Where stories live. Discover now