𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 27

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I pull into the parking lot of the club bumping ORANGE SODA by Baby Keem. I put the car in park and look in the backseat. I pull my phone out texting Aniya.


hey babe think you can give me a hand out here?

babes: How tf you know I work today?

I can check your schedule whenever I want duh


I step out of the car and close my door walking to the backseat. I grab my bag and the basket when Aniya pops up behind me. 

"What can I grab?" She says while looking over my shoulder.

"Just the pillow blanket." I say while moving aside so she could grab it. She closes the door behind her as we talk inside, my skin being met with the warm air. Aniya walks over to Suna, Saeko, and Atsumu. She sets the cover down and takes her place next to Suna.

"Hey everyone." I smile widely as Saeko gets up hugging me slightly. The boys just nod at me before I set my bag behind the bar. I place the pillow and blanket on top of the basket as I pick it back up.

"Well I'm gonna go see Akaashi." I say while struggling to hold onto the basket.

"I don't think anyone's in there, he hasn't came out in a while." Saeko said while looking at Akaashi's office door.

"Okay, we'll talk in a bit yeah?" I question as I begin to walk away. I walk up to the office door and push it open letting the heavy basket fall onto the floor. I hold my breath as I hear Akaashi moan another women's name. Disgusting lewd sounds flooded the room as I stared at him from the doorway. Shock quickly turned into anger as I sprinted forward pulling the girl off of Akaashi. He quickly stood up buttoning his pants. The girl quickly got on her feet staring at me, with a smug smile on her lips. I walk up to her as I roughly grab her by the hair pulling her to the doorway of Akaashi's office. I shove her out as she gives me an ugly look. She walks up to me getting in my face.

"Don't put your hands on me you little call girl." She says harshly.

"Who do you think your talking to you home wrecker?" My voice becoming shaky and rough.

"I'm not a home wrecker. Akaashi just knows what he wants now, someone who's successful and powerful. Not some leech like you who mooches off his money." She says cocking her head. I look back at Akaashi who's standing behind me quietly, tears in his eyes.

"And what makes you think your more successful than me?" I say while balling up my fists.

"You must not know who I am. Allow me to introduce myself, i'm rin fukuhara." She says while smiling brightly.  My eyes widen as I realize who she is. She sells more product than me and Akaashi would get in two months. I look back at Akaashi wish tears in my eyes, I was hurt and he knew it. I turned back around looking at the girl, I pick up her bags throwing them at her, shoving her. She lets her bags fall to the floor as she swung at me. Akaashi grabbing her arm. Suna, Aniya, Atsumu, and Saeko now crowding us. Atsumu grabbed her and took her outside as Saeko grabs her bags following him. Aniya stood slightly behind Suna just looking at me as I began to fall apart, tears streaming down my face as I felt Akaashi behind me. I turn around pushing Akaashi into the office. Suna walks into the doorway before I look at him and shake my head.

"No." I say as he backs up grabbing Aniya. I shut the door locking it. I turn around to see Akaashi playing with his hands.

"You little fucking bitch." I laugh while shaking my head, tears still streaming down my face.

"It wasn't like that y/n..." He says with a bated breath.

"Then what was it like Akaashi?! What the fuck was it?" I scream walking up to him looking him in the eyes. He closes his eyes as he cries, he falls back into a seat while holding his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry y/n..." He says while still crying.

"I'm sorry too... I'm sorry for fucking trusting you, everyone in my life ends up betraying me and you proved that. I fucking showed you all of my broken pieces Akaashi! I seen all of yours, and I still loved you. Not fucking ONCE did my heart falter, my heart lies with YOU Akaashi!"

"Lies." He says while picking his head up.

"What?" I say while cocking my head in confusion.

"You said lies, does this mean.. you could still love me." He asks while wiping his tears.

"I will always love you Akaashi. I just don't think I can trust you anymore. And what's a relationship without trust." I huff while walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He asks while getting up walking after me.

"Home. To pack, I'll be out of by tomorrow so just stay here." I say while walking out if his office turning around to look at him.

"Please don't leave." He begs, as his voice cracks. He grabs my hand looking me in the eyes. I shake my head holding back tears, stopping myself from giving into him.

"I have too. We both know how I and this won't work." I say while pulling my hand away.

"This doesn't mean I'll stop loving you, we were best friends before anything else." I smile as I taste the saltiness of my tears on my lips. I pull him into a hug which he didn't return. I pull away and wipe my tears. I walk away and see Aniya and Suna sitting at the bar waiting for me. I grab my bag from behind the bar and throw it over my shoulder.

"Where are you going to stay..?" She asks while holding Suna's hand.

"Probably a hotel. I want to go and pack everything I have before he goes home tomorrow." I say while grabbing my keys out of the bag.

"Your joking right?" Aniya says while raising her eyebrow.

"No i'm completely serious." I say as Saeko and Atsumu walk back inside. She walks up to me grabbing my head looking at me.

"What happened? Who the hell was that?" She asks while making sure I was untouched.

"I'd rather not talk about it in front of everyone." I say while eyeing Suna.

"Please stay with me and Suna till you find another place to live. We literally have a three bedroom." Aniya interjects.

"You and Suna just found out your preparing for a baby i'm not about to crash your place."

"No really, you could take the room on the other end of the house. You can help me decorate and stuff while Suna goes to work." She says while grabbing my hands. I give her a soft smile and nod.

"Only for two weeks, after that I'll get another job and find a place." I reassure her.

"You can stay as long as you need but sure." She smiles taking her hand in mine.

"Will you guys help me pack?" I pout while looking at them both. I knew it wouldn't take any persuasion.

"Of course." They say in unison as they grab their bags. I give them a hug as we part ways. I walk to my car slipping inside. I let out a deep sight as I close my eyes letting my head fall back onto my headrest.

"Here comes my fucking hot girl summer I guess."

[ 𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 ] 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘. 𝚔Where stories live. Discover now