Meet most of the characters

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Many centuries ago, the elvish race left earth in search of a new home, a fresh start, that's all. They originally searched for Valinor, the undying land, but that was a complete bust, nothing but a fairytale for young elves. But I'm not that young, not anymore. Before you ask, yes I'm an elf, which means I like nature, I have pointy ears, and all things plant related, even though I haven't seen nature, not once since I was born. But anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah. When the elves started searching the cosmos for a new home away from humans and their destructive behavior, they wanted to make sure that it had plenty of life, and sustainable resources for us to survive. Then one day, after many years of hopeless searching, the search was finally over. They finally came across a world full of magic, wonder and mystery. A place the locals call skylands. It was fitting because there were literal floating islands, in the sky. But that has me wondering, if we're in the sky, where's the ground then. Anyways back to the story. After centuries of settling in to the new world, the elves were soon discovered by a new race, that were pumpkins. They saw my kind as inferior tree huggers, weaklings, and a threat to Mother Nature herself. How can that be though? We love nature, why would we want to hurt the very mother that created it. You're all probably wondering what happened next, after they saw us as weak creatures, they did what any person would do, when a species or race is considered "weak". They make them slaves. They enslaved my race and we have been enslaved for many centuries, longer then anyone can remember. But each slave holding place, they have each of my kind in, they have at least one elder, for male and female elves alike. Our elder was named Zack. He was a very old elf, around his 1,000s. We're immortal so it didn't bother us. He tells us stories when we're done with work about our race and what we did before we were slaves. The elders were mainly used to teach every elf different things. He's like the father that I never knew. You're probably wondering what happened to the males and Females.Well the females and males were separated from each other until we turn 18, which is when we're forced to mate with whichever elf they choose for us, which isn't fair, it sucks a whole lot of ass. After the couple has mated, they wait for the children to be born, and then when the child turns 6, they kill the parents, and send the children off to work in slavery. My name is Vincent, I'm an elf, as you already know, or probably already guessed. I'm 15 years old, I have a big brothers who's 17 years old. His name is Legolas. My mother named him after a great elvish warrior that fought in the many wars of middle earth. At least that's what my brother said. I never knew my mother nor my father very much. Me and my brother and many other males like my friend Marcus mine rocks and occasional metal in islands all over skylands. They usually take a handful of elves like us that do mining, force us on a ship, and sail to one island after another, and then we mine the entire island and return the resources to our camp. It wasn't hard, but it also didn't help that there were other elvish children, all boys of course, crying about how they want their mommy or daddy, which I honestly didn't blame them. I cried for both of my parents once, so who am I to judge? And it also didn't help that these pumpkin looking guys would always whip us if we either don't stop complaining or weren't working. I don't mind working, but if I'm forced to work, that's what makes me angry.

Mining wasn't the only job elves have now. Most elves do cleaning of the masters dishes. Both males and females, not together, work on the food they prepare for our masters. They were trained to cook and prep by them because they not only wanted us to do it right, but those assholes are picky. Other elves like my other friend Lui, work with water. Their main job is to carry buckets of water and bring them to our masters to either drink, or used to cool down the engines. And if they drop one drop of water, then they get punished severely. Like my friend Lui, he had both tips of his ears chopped off because he dropped his entire bucket, and he talked back to his masters. He was supposed to bring the water to the engine but he tripped on a rock or mud, at least that's what I remember him saying. Lui has like a dutch accent, he never says please or thank you, even when I complement him or treat some of his wounds. Speaking of engines, elves are also sometimes trained to fix electronics and other technology stuff, if they are small enough to fit in certain places. And if they can't fix it in time or they mess up they also get punished. I have another friend there, his name is Flint, he had a piece of his pointy ear chopped off for poorly fixing the machine. Flint always talks in a western accent like he's some cowboy or something. My other friends the twins, Thwart and Thatch and their friend Duff work with making ice sculptures for our masters, and if they mess up, they get punished. They all have like a deep Scottish accent, and sometimes I make the two angry just because they're funny sounding when you piss then off. And finally there are elves who are forced to grow food for us to eat.  And if they don't provide enough by the end of the week, which is how often we eat, you get, can you guess?....punished.I have a friend there, his name is Jeddak, he doesn't speak English, he mainly speaks the ancient elvish language, but I can understand him, and he can understand me because he taught me how to speak elvish during when we're not working, and I also taught him how to understand English. He doesn't speak English but he knows it. He often gets punished because the pumpkins don't always know what he's saying. You can already tell that when you're a slave, you get punished easily.

This is my life, and now you know. But every night when the pumpkins think we're asleep, I often gather my friends, including Legolas, Duff, and Zack, to help me escape this hell. I want to leave, and I know they do too. But the problem is that, the pumpkins are often patrolling day and night to make sure nobody including us escape and be free, cause that's what we want, freedom. But that's not what the pumpkins want. And that's why they have patrols. They would immediately find out that we tried to escape, and I would always take the hit for them. No way would I let these jerks hurt them. I would always get ten lashes to the back. Cause that's what you get for trying to escape. Me and my friends tried encouraging other elves to help escape, but they're too afraid to do so, even my brother refuses to help but he's my brother, he has sworn to look out for me. All I want more in life is for my kind to be free, and I wouldn't care if I'm not free. The pumpkins can torture me for millions of years and I wouldn't give a rats ass about it. Because all I want is for my kind to be free.
I hope you enjoy this story as well as my other stories. Make sure to tell this story to your friends if they love anything skylanders related. Anyways I'll see you soon.

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