Anna's not so sweet sixteen

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Elizabeth's POV:

Today is my sister's birthday and I've been working on my gift for weeks. It's a little homemade. But I'm not home. Let alone in a home. We're in a camp. Would it be called camp made? Or would it be called not homemade because we're not home home? Or maybe it's room made? Yeah it's room made because I made it in my room, which I share with my sister. Now that I think of it. Why do I have a room with Anna and no one else? Wait, if I'm alone now, then who am I talking to? Am I talking to you? Who the heck are you? Are you listening on me? Have you been spying on me? Or am I talking out loud the whole time? Maybe I should get back with my story, that is also me talking about what's happening. Anyways I just finished my gift while I was questioning what was happening earlier. My friends Azula and Ariel got their gifts ready and are already at where Anna was.

Azula POV:

I got my gift for Anna and I made it to where she was before any of them slow pokes made it here. My gift was completely room made and completely clever. It will literally knock the socks off of Anna, and maybe her pants. And if there were guys in our camp, she would have a mate instantly. I know it's a bit rude. But hey, what can I say? I'm French. Anyways, Ariel and Cami Flage made it too, then Elizabeth finally made it. Probably got too caught up with asking herself too many questions.

Cami Flage's POV:

Everyone of Anna's friends has arrived with their gifts that they made for her. I was here because she thinks of me as her mother, so she wanted me to be by her side like her mother would. Which I actually like. I was never married or had any kids. I always wanted some, but then the pumpkins came and enslaved our people. Now I'm an elder for these women to teach them about the history of our people.

Anna's POV:

The first present I decided to open was from Azula. I decided to open hers first because I know she has some sort of smart ass gift to reflect what she thinks of me. I unwrapped the present and opened the box and the only thing that was in it was a rock. I saw Azula holding back her laughs as I was trying to figure out what it means. After a few minutes I gave up.

Anna: okay, what's with the rock in a box?

Azula: it describes how much dumber you are

Anna: aw I get it, dumber than a box of rocks

Azula: yay you got it, bravo bravo

Anna: yeah except there's only one rock, so now you're saying I'm smart

Azula: what?! No!

Anna: well think about it, there's nothing dumber than a box of rocks, but if there's just one rock in the box, then that means I'm smart, so ha

Azula: well technically I put that single rock in the box so that makes me smart. Smarter than you!

Cami Flage: okay enough you two! Let's go to the next gift and then you'll continue this argument later okay?

Anna: alright. Ariel, what did you get me?

Ariel: you'll see

She then hands me a then present. I unwrap it and opened it and inside was a drawing of all four of us and Cami Flage. I loved how she drew Elizabeth and I. I especially love how she drew Azula. She drew her with big bushy angry eyebrows and a big frowning mouth. And I laugh at it for a bit, and Azula wanted to see what I was laughing at. I showed her the drawing and showed the drawing of her. Her reaction was hilarious. She was completely flabbergasted and angry by this. She looked at Ariel angrily and I could tell that she was gonna give her what for later. Then finally I saved the best for last. My little sister handed me her present to me. I opened it and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever received. It was a stuffed doll of an elvish lady, with blue hair, a short red dress, button eyes, and a stitched up smile.

Anna: aw this is cute

Elizabeth: do you think they'll like it?

Anna: (confused)who?

Elizabeth: your kids

Anna:(blushes) um...maybe

Elizabeth: sweet, your kids will love this thing. I've spent so long on it. I had to use very little materials that were laying around. I even used some of my hair to make, well the hair. This toy will be passed on to your children and the children of their children until, the end of time I guess.

Anna: (sniffling)yeah that's great

I was on the brink of crying because if I were to have kids and pass this on to my kids and they would have to pass this to their kids. I love the thought that was put into this. But the thought that this would be the only reminder of us, is the saddest thing to think about, because they would still be enslaved like we are.

Ariel: (concerned) Anna, are you okay?

Anna:(sobbing) yeah I-I'm f-fine. I-I just n-need a m-m-moment alone

I then ran to my room with the doll in hand.

Elizabeth's POV:

I saw my sister crying and running with the doll in hand. I was heartbroken to see my sister like this. I thought this would make her happy because she gets to pass this onto her children. Maybe I didn't put enough thought into it. Was it too much? Was using my hair to make the doll not a good idea?

Azula: did you really use your hair to make that thing?

Elizabeth: yes

Azula:(laughs) that's just weird!

Elizabeth:(angrily) it was that, or I would use your armpit hair!

Azula:(blushes angrily) I do not have armpit hair!

Elizabeth: then what's this?!

I then lift up her right arm and showed some of her hairs on her armpit. She quickly covers her armpit embarrassingly and blushes. Me and Ariel both started laughing.

Anna's POV:

I went inside my room and closed the door behind me. I still had the elvish doll in my hands and I was laying down by my bed with the doll in my face, soaking up my tears. I don't want my kids to suffer the same life me and my friends have. I want them to have a better life than what we were given. I then felt a gust of wind and I thought that my sister entered our room. I looked up, but didn't see my sister. But I saw a small present on her bed. I walked over towards it, and picked it up. There was a note attached to it. I then began reading it.

Anna:(reading) "I'm sorry I was unable to make it for your birthday party, but I hope this gift makes it up for it. If you don't want it, then you can just leave it outside and I'll come back and pick it up and give it to someone else. XOXO"

I was confused by this. Elizabeth was already at my birthday party and she already gave me her gift. This couldn't have been from anyone else because I don't know any of the other women that well. On the back of the note it says, "don't open until midnight." I then put it under my bed and decided to go to sleep early. I already swept today, so I didn't have anything else to do. I woke up around midnight, I could tell because I looked outside and the moon was in the middle of the sky. I went under my bed, pulled out the present from today, which is now yesterday I guess, and opened it. Once I opened the box, there was a small blue vase inside. It had a lid on top. And without hesitation, I removed the lid and then the next thing I know. A bunch of weird shiny things come out of the vase and a green one shot something down my throat, and I immediately passed out on my bed.

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