Interrogation and a feast

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Vincent's POV:

It's been a few days since we've been free. For the past few days, we've been building defenses to defend this camp from the pumpkin attacks that kept occurring since we beat those stem heads to the ground a few days ago. Today we've been gathering all the crops for food, for the feast that we'll be having tonight, in honor of being free. And the best part is, it's all in honor of me for inspiring these elves to fight back. I feel like an actual symbol to these elves. I never actually knew what it's like to be looked up upon like a god or a hero. But now I do. You know, it's incredible. One day I'm an elf "miscreant" that keeps trying to escape to be free but failed. And the next thing I know, I'm a rock controlling elf who is basically a hero to all my people. Of course I'm not taking all the credit. I've always said that me and my friends are a team for helping these elves be free.

Now that I'm thinking about it, we can't just stay here and keep fighting these pumpkins. We have to free the rest of our kind. I know that there are other camps than the one we're in. There are other camps that hold more male elves like me and my friends. And then there's camps that held the women. And that's the most important part of ensuring the survival of our kind. If we are to live free, we need to free the women to reproduce with. Now normally I don't think of sex or anything that's related to the topic. But there are those elves that want to be free, and find love. I don't know if I'll ever find someone to love. Zack always says, that love will come to you when you least expect it. Of course being a thousand year old elf, he is pretty experienced with love. He used to have a mate, but of course when we were turned into slaves, he lost her and his son. Every time I hear his story, I always shed a few tears for his lost, always dreading that will happen to me too one day. But now that we're free, we don't have to worry about losing anyone, ever again. At least not yet.

The only thing that's standing in the way is knowing the location of each camp. I know these pumpkins know where these camps are located in skylands. That's why we kept most of the pumpkins alive. But also because we can't kill them cause their pumpkin heads are basically indestructible. I then came to where we keep the pumpkins. We kept them all in the same cells they put us in for trying to escape. One of them was unconscious, so I picked him and I brought him to the stone crusher, placed him on the conveyor belt and placed a big rock on four of his legs, and another rock on another four of his legs. He has eight legs, so I guess he's considered a... what ever you call a spider, since they have eight legs too. I was gonna get some answers from this fruit basket the same way they always try to get something out of us. By making him think we're gonna kill him, but not actually killing him. I had Marcus by my side, helping me interrogate him. After a few minutes of splashing water on him, we see that he finally woke up from his long nap. When he was completely conscious, he tried to escape but he then realized that he was trapped by two rocks, on a conveyer belt.

Pumpkin droid #78: what's going on?! where am I?! Who the hell are you?!

Marcus: first off, shut the hell up. But to answer your question. You're being interrogated.

Pumpkin droid #78: me? Interrogated? By a bunch of worthless elves? Surely this is a joke.

Vincent: quite the opposite.

Pumpkin droid #78: oh come on, you can't do this to me! I am the supreme scientist of this place, I am your superior!!!

Marcus: then I guess you shouldn't have a problem answering a few questions

Pumpkin droid #78: huh? This is ridiculous!

Vincent: you know what else is ridiculous? Being enslaved by a fruit that claims that we are worthless and pathetic. But yet we kicked you and your friends' asses.

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