The fox and the imposter

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???'s POV:

???: we shouldn't be out here this late Asa. Our father is gonna close up for the night and we're gonna be stuck out here

Asa: listen we're not gonna be stuck out here, we're almost there

???: yeah well you know what happens out here, there are things that wanna rip our arms off or squeeze our eye balls for jelly

Asa: you think I don't know that? I had to do this Jack

Jack: I know why you had to do this but the lengths we went through to get thi—

Asa: shh

Jack: what's up your butt?

Asa: I hear something, get your gun ready

Jack and I held up our muskets and started pointing them around us, prepared to shoot anything. Next thing I know a large wolf man pounced from the trees, slashed me across the arm and started biting Jack's neck. I got up quickly and shot the wolf man in the back of the head, but since we didn't bring any silver ammo with us, it groaned in pain and ran away.

Asa: Jack!!

I came to Jack's side and ripped my shirt off to stop the bleeding from his neck.

Jack: (choking) A-A-Asa

Asa: keep quiet, you're gonna be okay buddy

Jack: (choking) no, I'm done for

Asa: (angrily sad) don't you say that, don't you dare say that!!

Jack: (choking) Asa, get that son of a bitch for me, make him pay for what he did to me, promise me

I stared at him and held his paw as he was slowly bleed out.

Asa: I promise

I then felt his grip loosen as his eyes close shut.

Asa: may you walk free amongst our brothers and sisters in Mother Nature's garden

I place his arms on his chest as I say my final goodbye to him. I stare up to the stars and howl in sorrow for the lost of my friend Jack. I promise you Jack, I will find that wolf man and make him pay for what he did to you.

Charlie's POV:

I couldn't figure out where I was but I was strapped to a table in the middle of a dark room, but there was a light shining above me. I then see a pumpkin with a large syringe in his hands and it was filled with some blue liquid. I tried to struggle out of the straps but they were too strong.

Pumpkin: calm down little one, this won't hurt a bit

He opens my eye open as he has the syringe open it.

Pumpkin: it's gonna hurt a lot for a moment but it'll be okay

He raises the syringe and before he shoved it into the area around my eye I woke up in my normal bed, sweating and breathing heavily.

Faust: hey Charlie you alright

Charlie: I don't know

Faust: what do you mean you don't know?

Charlie: it means I don't know you dumb ass

Faust: that's not what... ah forget it, we have to move out anyways

Charlie: alright let me take a shower

Vincent's POV:

Bogo: are you sure you have to leave? We can really use heroes like you protecting our shire

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