Powers within

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Vincent's POV:

I was asleep and dreaming about absolutely nothing but some rocks being tossed in midair and floating on their own. I'm not sure what this meant or why I was dreaming it but it's not like I have control over my dreams. I'm not sure what was happening. But the next thing I know. I was woken up by the pumpkins yelling at me.

Pumpkin droid #197: get up you lazy maggot, we don't pay you to just laze around all day!!

Vincent: you idiots hardly pay us at all!

I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. I don't know what came over me. The pumpkins then got angry with me.

Pumpkin droid #95:(angrily shouts)how dare you speak to us that way!!

Pumpkin droid #197: let's beat that attitude of his, out of him!

They then stood me up on my feet. One grabbed my shoulders so I wouldn't move, and the other was about to beat me but he stopped.

Pumpkin droid #95:(angrily) well what are you waiting for?!!

Pumpkin droid #197: it's too early for this, besides, I want to save my energy for when we beat the rest of his kind

Pumpkin droid #95: yeah you're probably right.(stares angrily at Vincent) now that just makes you the luckiest elf alive!

Pumpkin droid #95's POV:

I then looked beside the elf and saw a small circular vase beside him. I grabbed it and showed it to him.

Pumpkin droid #95: what is this?!

Vincent's POV:

The pumpkin quickly grabs the vase before I can even stop him.

Vincent: hey that's mine!

I tried grabbing it back, but he was taller than me so he held it farther away from where I can reach.

Pumpkin droid #95: what is this?!

Vincent: it's mine, please don't smash it

Pumpkin droid #95: don't smash it? Ha. You don't tell me what to do twerp

He then threw it on the ground and it smashed into several pieces. To top it all off, he used his foot and smashed it into powder. I was completely devastated. I felt the sudden urge to punch the pulp out of this fruit head, but I resisted as I didn't want to get into any more trouble. They got the rest of us elves up and they loaded us on a ship to get to work for the day.

Lui's POV:

I woke up and was put to work. I don't remember what happened last night. All I remember is that I choked on a damn fly or something. I decided to let it go. Now I'm just gathering water for my masters. I don't know why, let alone have the slightest clue. But for some reason I feel more connected to water than ever before. Like I feel like I am water, and water is like my friend that will aid me.

Duff's POV:

A worke up with a massive hiehdache and was forced to gieht to work alorng with the riehst of me friehnds. As me and me friehnds were sculpting the ace, a wasn't as cold as a once was whiehn a carved ace. It's lake the ace was brorkiehn or a was immune to its cold touch.

Jeddak's POV:

I woke up and was forced to work like any other day. But today felt completely different in every way. I felt more attuned to all the plants and I felt what they were feeling as I was picking them off their branches and their vines. It was weird. But what was more weird was that I was hearing voices from somewhere, but I didn't see anyone in my part of the camp talking to anyone at all.

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