Boys meet girls

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Vincent's POV:

We've been freeing our people from the pumpkins for the past few weeks. Everyday we would free them and bring them back to our camp for the time being. We've been looking for elves that have powers like us, but so far we haven't found any. So whenever we brought more elves to the camp, We would expand the camp to house more elves, and we would teach them how to fight the pumpkins. Me and Marcus have also taught them how to wield a weapon or two. We even taught ourselves how to wield weapons that we created on our own like swords, spears, axes, and many others. For me, the best weapon of choice is the sword. They're strong, very reliable, and the most noble weapon there is. My brother loves using axes, swords, and spears. Sometimes he uses two of the three at the same time. Marcus loves using a mace because he says they are stronger than a sword and more easy to carry in battle. Flint uses only guns, nothing more, nothing less. Lui loves using spears, especially to catch fish and precisely shoot pumpkins off of high places. Jeddak prefers using a bow. But there have been times where he would lose or break his bow, and use his nature powers to create weapons out of vines or sticks. Thwart, Thatch, and Duff mostly use their ice powers to create ice weapons, which is very useful. As long as they have ice with them. We've been finding mostly male camps. We haven't found any of the females yet.

Until today that is. I was leading my warriors to a camp that was different from the others. This one had to be where they kept the females, I'm sure of it. I was on my ship with a handful of elves on deck and some following me and my friends on foot. I used my rock powers to create a giant rock and used it to bash through the gates. When we did, the pumpkins started attacking us on ground and the elves started fighting and destroying the pumpkins as they came. I landed my ship, along the side of the island and me and my warriors started filing out with our weapons in hand. We charged towards the pumpkins and started hacking and smashing the pumpkins with our weapons and our powers.

Anna's POV:(Few hours before the attack)

I woke up with a massive headache and a sore throat. I don't remember what happened last night. All that I remember is that I opened a vase and that's where my mind goes blank. I quickly woke up my little sister to get her ready for work. Besides sweeping, a few times a week, we also do farming and we tend to some of the animals we have here. We have cows for milk, pigs for the masters, chickens for eggs and for masters, and sheep for wool and sometimes for masters. Me, Elizabeth, and the other women all made our way to tending with the animals and the gardens where we grow plants. I was tending the plants while my sister was milking some cows. For some reason I heard strange voices from someone. But I didn't see any of the elves, or the pumpkins, that were watching me, talking. It was weird.

Azula's POV:

I was sweeping the rooms while I could feel Ariel playing with the dust, drawing pictures. To mess with her I swept away her drawing and that's when she got up.

Azula: look who decided to get up off her lazy butt. We're supposed to be sweeping not drawing.

Ariel: I was just having a little bit of fun before you decided to ruin it

Azula: good, because now you can focus less on your art skills, and more on sweeping up this dust. Honestly it's like this stuff grows back like weeds

Ariel:(angrily whispers) you're one to talk to

Azula: excuse me? But what is that supposed to mean?!

Ariel: it means that despite all that we give you, you still want more out of us. You may seem pretty but that whole outward appearance is just a disguise used to cover up who you really are! (angrily) And if you're gonna bring up me be lazy! Then you're yapping at the wrong tree, you dim witted dog!!

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