Women am I right?

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Vincent's POV:

For the past few days, my friends, the women, and me have been fighting and freeing our people from the pumpkins. We even found more camps that held more elvish women. Everything was going great. Except for the fact that the girls would always nag and complain over the tiniest of things. Like literally just the other day Anna came to my room and said that it stinks. I told her that's ridiculous because I didn't smell a thing. My room didn't smell bad at all. She then told me it's because I stink. But then I made a comeback by saying that she's the one that stinks. She then wrapped me up in vines and after a few minutes, made me agree to clean my room. And if I decided to leave a spot she would wrap me up in vines and hang me upside down again. Then she made me and my brother clean ourselves with water and this stuff the women used called soap. Which makes your skin smell good after you rub it on yourself with water added. I used that stuff on my eyes and it burned like hell. When we were done cleaning ourselves, Anna and the other girls got the boys to clean themselves, and their rooms. The girls got us to clean ourselves first thing in the morning, and at night. The fact that these girls do this everyday is ridiculous. Like I understand... absolutely nothing about personal hygiene. What ever that means. Elizabeth told me that's what this action is called. Honestly it's a waste of time and energy. If these girls do this every morning and night. Then I'm curious what they do in the middle of the day, besides being bossy. Like I'm happy that we saved these women, but they're starting to get on my last nerves lately.

Anna: Vincent?!

Vincent:(groans) what?!

Anna: you stink! Go wash yourself!!

You see what I mean? Women, am I right?

Jeddak's POV:

I've spent the past few days chatting with the girls. It's been years since I've seen and talked to a girl. Besides my mom. I got along great with the girls, mainly because they understood me. They always ask me why I understand English but not speak it. I told them in elvish that I prefer it that way. I also told them my parents, well at least one of them, were descendants of elves that primarily spoke elvish and preserved our culture. I figured that once I'm free, and I found my clan, I'll teach them the language and the stories of our ancestors. Like how Zack does for us. I may have gotten along with most of the girls. But Azula was a bit of... I won't say it because she would literally set me ablaze if she heard it. Elizabeth is young but she's fun to hang out with. Though she can get really annoying with asking so many questions in one sentence. Women, am I right?

Flint's POV:

Lots of women, but yet not one to relate to. They always say I'm too young for them. I always tell them that I'm old enough to date, and I'm just shorter than any of the normal elves. They still reject me because I'm too short for them. Women am I right?

Marcus' POV:

After Jeddak was done talking to the girls, I asked him to make me the most prettiest flower he could sprout from the ground.

Jeddak: ki popf moysanoo

Marcus: I just want a flower that's pretty but not to big

He then used his plant powers and sprout out a flower with pink and white petals.

He then used his plant powers and sprout out a flower with pink and white petals

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