Out there

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Vincent's POV:

I was basically freezing my ass off until morning comes, which is all that I can do. Besides play around with the threads of my clothes and play with some of the small pebbles that were in this room. This wasn't the first time I was sent to this prison cell. For I have tried to escape several times with my friends. And all those attempts of escaping, always had the same outcome. My plan would fail, the pumpkins would see that I'm escaping, and then I end up taking the blame and get thrown in here, and get ten lashes in the morning. My plans always ended horribly. Last plan me and my friends tried climbing the fence but Jeddak was so scared that he fell just when I told him he wouldn't fall and he attracted the pumpkins into coming out. Another one was taken during the daytime. Me and my friends hid in boxes and we would walk towards the exit. But they soon caught us just before I could escape. At the end of the day, or the beginning, I always ended up getting the punishment. I never mind taking the blame. It's more of the whipping and the freezing cold that I hate the most. But I always ended up pushing through, like Zack always told me to.  I waited a few long ass hours for morning to come. Then before I knew it. I was blinded by a very bright light from the the door. My eyes adjusted and I saw pumpkins standing outside the door. One came up to me with a sinister look on his face.

Pumpkin droid #355: good morning peasant

He then grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and lifted me off the ground. They then brought in the middle of the camp where all the elves were brought together to keep count to make sure we didn't escape. They then strapped my wrists to ropes that were attached to two logs, standing up.They kept my arms up so that I couldn't block the whips. Like that will help anyways. One pumpkin ripped my shirt off and the leading pumpkin was making his announcement to all the elves.

Pumpkin droid #300: this elf that you see before you, is not a peasant like the rest of you. He's a miscreant, a relentless foolish freedom seeker, a renegade who disobeys every rule. He is an elf who has no future. Of course you all have no future because you are all weak, you're pathetic in every way. And in order to make him obedient, we have to break him. For the slave known as Vincent Dumb bear.

Vincent: it's dunmbar (dun-num-bar)

The pumpkin from earlier then hits me across the face.

Pumpkin droid #355: you are only allowed to speak unless spoken to!

Pumpkin droid #300: anyways as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. His sentence, for attempting to escape this camp, shall be administered punishment. His punishment shall be as usual and accordingly to the rules. Ten lashes.

I gritted my teeth as hard as I could, as I heard the pumpkin behind me, preparing his whip, and getting ready to carry out my sentence.

Pumpkin droid #98: one

I felt the stinging sensation from the whip leaving a cut on my back on top of the other cuts I already had.

Pumpkin droid #98: two

He whipped me again and this one was more painful then the last.

Zack's POV:

I couldn't bare to watch as those cruel animals whipped the pure spirit out of Vincent. One after another he would wince in more pain each time. I could tell that he was bleeding because I saw red droplets fall onto the floor. Poor Vincent. No elf with his status should have to go through what he's going through now, no matter how bad they were. When those lousy pumpkin bastards were done with his punishment, they cut him down and he just collapsed unconscious, so they carried him over to me. I took hold of him. I needed to get him medical attention fast or he'll bleed to death. I brought him to Jeddak because he and his people on the farms specialized in herbal medicine that helped elves heal from severe injuries.

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