Into the wild green yonder

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Flint's POV:

We've been following Vincent follow this trail of roses for the past few days. And of those few days I kept stubbing my toes on rocks and getting my foot stuck in small mud puddles. We ran out of food yesterday and we had to resort to whatever food we could find around us. But if we weren't sure if it was safe to eat, we would have Anna sprout up some food that grew on bushes or vines. We've also ran out of fresh water and had to drink from ponds. We've only been out here for a few days and so far I hate the outdoors. There's no roof, there's no food safe to eat, and the water that we want to drink from is either too dirty or too salty. I may be an elf, but even an elf has a limit of how much nature it can handle.

We stopped to rest for the night and Faust was the one who started a fire to keep us warm before we go to bed.

Flint: how much further Vincent?

Vincent: I think we're close now

Charlie: you said that yesterday! And the day before! (Yells) do you even know where we're going?!!

Vincent:(yells) we're going to see the dragon!!

Legolas: you don't even know what you're doing! You're just following a long ass patch of roses that keeps leading us to nowhere!

Marcus: it got us this far didn't it? It brought us all the way here

Azula:(yells in frustration) we don't even know where here is!! Face it! We're lost!

Faust:(yells) we're not lost!!

Legolas: then tell me Faust. Where the hell are we?!

Faust: we're in a forest

Just then a fly came up to my ear and I swatted it away.

Flint:(grunts in annoyance) yeah. A lousy forest with a bunch of stupid annoying bugs thet want tuh eat yuh alive. Mud thet yuh kin step in everywhere. An leaves thet git in yore shoes.

Ashley: wait wait. Don't throw that bug, I want to keep it.

Flint: of course yuh do. Hyar.

Ashley: sweet(says this as she holds the dead bug) this will go great in my collection!

Flint: but yuh git the point, this place sucks, there's a lot of bugs, an it's hot out hyar!

Marcus: that's why it's called the forest Flint. Everything is natural and everything stays.

Flint: since when did yuh become a poet?

Marcus: ever since I met the love of my life

Elizabeth:(blushes) Marcus!?

Marcus: what? I'm serious. You're the love of my life. I love you.

Elizabeth:(smiles) I love you too

Those two then started kissing and I immediately covered my face and waited till they were finished sucking at each other's faces.

Charlie: I get that we're in a forest. But where are we specifically?

Marcus: someplace south...maybe, or possibly south east or south west

Thatch: thart does nort hiehlp whiehn we are ihn the middle of nowhere. We are completely lorst because we decided to follow thihs trearl of roses thart ihs leading us to arbsolute nowhere!

Thwart: aye. We shoohd be art the base, drinking arnd eating searfe food.

I see a mosquito land on Thwart's face and he slaps his face, killing the vampire bug.

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